A Mysterious Voice!, The New Threat!

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(Y/N) : Trunks, Something is wrong. I can feel it.

Trunks: (Y/N), there's nothing to worry about. Maybe you're just feeling a bit off.

(Y/N): Noooo, Trunks im serious. Keep in eye out.

Trunks: Alright dude, I get it. I got you.

As night falls (Y/N) sleeps but he has a nightmare. (Y/N) walks past the corpses of all the fallen Z Warriors but at the end he sees his body. Then he hears a voice.

???: All you had to do was control yourself. What a waste to the great saiyan race you are.

(Y/N) looks around but sees nothing but darkness. He looks down but sees that he is standing in a red liquid.

(Y/N) while in panic: What is this? Who are you???

???: No, the question is, Who Are You? Hahahaha

(Y/N): AHHHHH get out of my head!!!!

???: I'm not in your head, you're in your head. Mother never told you the full story, such a shame.

(Y/N): What do you mean???

???: You were never the only one.

Just then (Y/N) wakes up screaming.

Bulla: In every timeline you still do that.

(Y/N):  Bulla, im so sorry but I have to go!

Bulla: Go where?

(Y/N): I need to find Goku or at least someone that can help me.

Just then (Y/N) hears another voice.

Piccolo: I'm on duty for now kid.  you've been giving off this crazy Ki. I'm surprised Vegeta hasn't felt it yet, but he's probably still recovering. Come to the lookout and we'll help you.

(Y/N): Thanks, im on my way now.

Bulla: Baby, what's going on?

(Y/N): I don't know, that's why I need answers.

《 Cut to Piccolo 》

Piccolo: Dende, you feel that? three powerful energy signals, one (Y/N) and the other is hurling towards us and the other is close, too close.

Dende: What do you think it is?

Just then the second energy signal arrives.

???: It's pure Evil.

???: It's pure Evil

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