Better Days

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《 A few days later at Future Trunks' funeral.》

《 21 finds (Y/N) siting on a bench after the funeral.》

(Y/N): [about Bulla, Penelope and Future Trunks ] You know I wish there was a way that I could let her know. That we won, we did it.

21: They know, they all know.

《They put their arm around each other》

21: What about Penelope and Bulla though?

(Y/N): The wish was made from everyone in THIS timeline. Not my own.. Where's....the other Trunks?

21: Last I saw he was in the kitchen with goten.

《 (Y/N) walks into the kitchen to find Kid Trunks and Goten stealing cookies. 》

(Y/N): Trunks, I have a gift for you.

《 He gives Kid Trunks, the sword and the Capsule Corp jacket.》

Kid Trunks: Thanks but what is this for?

(Y/N): You're gonna need it eventually.

《 Meanwhile, Foo watches from afar and gets into a space ship and talks into a phone. 》

Foo: See, they had me all wrong! I'm not into fighting like the rest of them. I was just playing around with all this energy and stuff and observing them, you know, for science! (And whatever.) Personally, I really don't care how history changes, as long as I get some energy out of it when it's all said and done. But hopeless, depressing timelines are a little dismal, don'tcha think? And boy, this one sure was one of them, huh?

???: Then hurry up and get back here! The emperor wants to see you.

Foo: On my Way.

《 4 years later 》

《 (Y/N) is in the kitchen making pancakes, them he puts 3 on a plate and hand them to a little girl, Uub and Marron's daughter, (Y/N)'s granddaughter, her name is Alison.》

Alison: Grandpa, what is this?

(Y/N): It's pancakes

Alison: I don't like pancakes.

(Y/N): You ask for pancakes like every single day.

Alison: No I don't

(Y/N): Yes you do

Alison: No I don't

(Y/N): Yes you do. Fine! What do you want to eat?

Alison: Hmmmm Donuts!

(Y/N): No you'll get too hyper, and where are your boots that bulma made for you.?

Alison: I don't wanna where them.

(Y/N): Well, you need to.

Alison: No

(Y/N): Yes

Alison: No

(Y/N): Yes

Alison: NO!

(Y/N): YES!

《 Alison shoots a small ki blast at (Y/N) and he uses a pan to hit it. 》

(Y/N): Look at that, brand new, now it's destroyed. Thank you very much. You know what? You wear what you want but don't come complaining to ne when you're feet are swore, you'll get my sympathy from me.

Alison: Fine grandpa, I'll wear the boots.

(Y/N): Thank you.

《 Alison puts on her boots and (Y/N) helps her tie them. 》

(Y/N): Now listen to the grown ups and if you see someone getting picked on don't be afraid to step in, okay?

Alison: Okay

(Y/N): But make sure to have fun.

Alison: Gotcha

(Y/N): Gotcha, now where is your sword? I thought I put it on the table.

Alison: It's over there in the doggie bed

《 (Y/N) looks a the dog bed and see oolong cuddling with the sword, (Y/N) picks up oolong and slings him away then picks up the sword and sees the she put makeup all on it. 》

(Y/N): Oh wow, that is not gonna come off. What did you do?

Alison: It looked boring so I gave it personality

(Y/N): Hmm well it's lovely. Let's go. You have school.

《 (Y/N) opens the front door and they walk onto the patio where 21 is enjoying her coffee, Marron is gardening and Uub is cutting the lawn. Trunks shows up to teach Alison swordsmanship. (Y/N)'s house is still on the side of a mountain, look down towards a beach and see a group of monsters trying to attack a village.》

(Y/N): Do you see that village down there with the nice lady the got you that doll for Christmas?

Alison: She was nice.

(Y/N): She was nice, that's why we have to look out for her.

Alison: Got it. We protect the nice ones.

(Y/N): That's right, I love you sweetie

Alison: I love you too grandpa.

《 (Y/N) hands her the sword and her Trunks take off to fight the monsters. A space ship lands by the house and a little blue alien pops out. 》

(Y/N): I'll be right there Jaco, just gimme a min.

21: She's gonna miss you, we all are.

Uub: Dad you don't have to go.

(Y/N): But I do and you know why.

21: So, when can we expect you back?

(Y/N): Uhhmm... about that...

21: (Y/N). Your people need a king.

(Y/N): No, they already have one. Vegeta

21: That's funny.....You're being serious?

(Y/N): It's time for me to be who I am rather than who I'm supposed to be.

Uub: What will you do?

21: I'm not sure. For the first time in a years, I... I have no path. I do have a ride, though.

Jaco: Move it or lose it, shitbag. You have a trial in 2 hours.

《 (Y/N) kisses 21 goodbye and hops into the ship. Jaco flies them straight to the trial. 》

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