Dedicate Your Heart

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《 Foo and undead versions of Penelope, Bulla, and Future Trunks arrived at (Y/N)'s house. 》

Foo: Damn, they must've scattered.

Bulla: You haven't said what you want him for.

Foo: Every universe I have traveled, all you species are the same. You all think you're the center of the of everything. You have no idea...Find them, bring them to me.

Future Trunks: We will not fail you.

Penelope: If I might interject. You might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that area.

Foo: Sure, if you consider failure experience.

Penelope: I consider experience experience. Almighty Foo... I, Penelope, princess of the Sayians... Breifs... the rightful heir of CapsuleCorp... a god of mischief... do hereby pledge to you... my undying fidelity.

Foo: Find the kids, and the adults will follow.

《 Foo picks up a phone and calls someone. 》

Foo: Release him....

《 Future Trunks, Penelope, and Bulla fly away. Meanwhile, (Y/N) opens the door to his old house on the mountain, and he begins to have a flashback. 》

Teen Uub: I hate you! You're not even my real dad!

(Y/N): Hey, that's enough! Go to your room!

《 Uub runs to his room and slams his door. 》

(Y/N): I pray for the strength that I will not pluck the eyeballs out of my son.

21: (Y/N), you are very hard on him.

(Y/N): I'm a father, it's my job.

21: But he's not a soilder or a fighter like you....he's just a boy.

《 End flashback 》

Chaos: Wow, this place is nice

(Y/N): Thank you, I built it myself.

《 Just then, Uub walks into the kitchen with a shotgun. 》

Uub: Ho...Holy Shit, Dad!?

(Y/N): Hey hey, watch the language. Remember I told you that your mother claimed that word.

Pina: What is going on?

Chaos:  This is an agent of some kind helping Mr. (Y/N) obviously

《 Marron and Allison walk out 》

(Y/N): Guys, this is my son Uub and my daughter in law Marron.

Marron: [smiles]

《 Allison runs to hug (Y/N)》

(Y/N): Oh, incoming. Hi sweetheart. How are you doin'? Look at your face! Oh my goodness!

Chaos: These are... smaller agents?

Allison: Did you bring Auntie-Rachel?

(Y/N): That's why we're here, actually. Sorry for barging in on you.

Pina: Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed.

Uub: Yeah, well, mom helped me set this up when I joined the Z fighters. She kept it off STAGS's files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low.

《Touching Marron's pregnant stomach》

(Y/N): How's little Nathan, huh?

Marron: He's... Natasha.

《 (Y/N) bends towards Marron's stomach》

(Y/N): Traitor. Anyway, I need to find Roshi so I can find Fortune Teller, baba.

Uub: Master Roshi is off world right now. But I know where Fortune Teller Baba is.

《 Meanwhile, back with Rachel, night fall creeps up on them, and they decide to set up camp. Boxer falls asleep immediately, leaving Rachel and Cain alone together. 》

Rachel: Look at all the stars, aren't they beautiful?

Cain: The humidity is high for this time of year, especially with all the snow.

《 Cain kisses Rachel 》

Rachel: Wait, what?! You just don't come up to a girl and say,'The humidity is very high for this time of year and then kisses her!

Cain: I just didn't want to get... uh romantic.

Rachel: Oh, you just didn't want to get "UH" romantic. What are you saving it for?

Cain: Well, you...

Rachel: We can't keep hiding this y'know, my dad will be mad but not disappointed.

Cain: Yea, but I'm supposed to be protecting you, not kissing you.

《 Rachel puts her hand on Cain's cheek.》

Rachel: You are protecting me. You might be a little cocky and prideful, but I like that you become soft around me it's cute.

Cain: Stop

Rachel: What am I making you mad, big boy?

《 Rachel starts to tickle Cain 》

Cain: You are so annoying, but I love it, especially when you sass back. I love that attitude.

《 Soon after, Rachel falls asleep in Cain's arm, and he puts her in her tent. He sees Boxer shivering from the cold, and he builds a fire and puts a blanket over Boxer.》

Cain: You damn idiot, you'll catch hyperthermia and frostbite like that.

《 Cain hears a branch snap in the woods, but he dismisses it as an animal, and he goes to sleep. The next day, they pack their things and hit the road again, but first, they stop to have breakfast. They find out that Cain is deathly allergic to apples and damn near dies but saves him with an epipen. 》

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