Raising Hope

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《 At Capsule Corp. 》

《 Marron is bent over the toilet, she's been throwing up all morning, she's been pregnant for 2 months now but she's been hiding it from Uub.》

21: Shit, shit, shit. He's not ready to be a father.

《 21 starts remembering Uub growing up.》

《Years ago...》

《 (Y/N) is cleaning the kitchen late at night, when he picks up a frame of the family picture of him, Bulla and Penelope.》

(Y/N): Shit.

Little Uub: Shit.

《 Uub, who has been hiding behind him all this time, giggles as he repeats the word (Y/N) just uttered.》

(Y/N): [Whispering] What are you doing up, little goof?

Little Uub: Shit.

(Y/N): No, we don't say that. Only Mommy...I mean 21 says that word. She coined it, it belongs to her.

Little Uub: Why you up?

(Y/N): 'Cause I got some important shit going on here. What do you think? No, I got something on my mind. I got something on my mind.

Little Uub: Was it Juice Pops?

(Y/N): Sure was. That's extortion. Great minds think alike. Juice Pops, exactly was on... [Looks back to the picture, Then turns back] my mind.

《In Uub's room》

(Y/N): You done? Yeah, now you are. [(Y/N) wipes Uub's lips and pushes his head onto the pillow] That face goes there.

Little Uub: Tell me a story.

(Y/N): A story... Once upon a time, you went to bed. The end.

Little Uub: [Giggling] That's a horrible story.

(Y/N): Come on, that's your favorite story. I love you tons. [Kisses Uub on the forehead.]

Little Uub: I love you 3000.

(Y/N): [Silently] Wow. [Turns off the lamp] 3000. That's crazy. [Closed the door] Go to bed. Or I'll sell all your toys. Night, night.

《 (Y/N) walks to the living room where 21 is sitting on the couch. (Y/N) paces in front of the fireplace.》

(Y/N): Not that it's a competition, but he loves me 3000. I know you're like a mom to him but you were somewhere on the low 6 to 900 range.

《 21 scoffs 》

(Y/N): What are you doing here?

21: Oh I'm just checking on you two, you gave me a key remember. You ok?

(Y/N): Yea...I'm good...I'm just great..

21: Just -

(Y/N): I'm just remembering the old times.

21: You know, We got really lucky.

(Y/N): Yeah, I know.

21: A lot of people didn't.

(Y/N): I can't help everybody.

21: It sort a seems like you can.

(Y/N): Not if I stop. I can put a pin in it right now, and stop. I can raise Uub and be with you....

21: (Y/N), trying to get you to stop has been one of the few failures of my life.

(Y/N): I feel like I should put it in a locked box and drop it at the bottom of a lake... go to bed.

21: But would you be able to rest.

《 Uub walks into the living room. 》

Little Uub: Mommy, there's a monster in my room.

《 21 looks at (Y/N) a bit irritated》

21: You didn't tell him a story did you?

(Y/N): He's like 6 years old, he doesn't need a story.

21: (Y/N), he's 4.

(Y/N): Oh

21: Come here baby, I'll tell you a story.

《 Uub runs into 21's arms and she begins to to tell The Village of Shadows. 》

21: See, fast asleep.

(Y/N): You'll take care of him while im gone right?

21: Of course.

《 Time skip a couple of years 》

《 (Y/N) has been off and on at home for past few years. He's been out trying to find Penelope while also help other planets with the after math, gathering knowledge. He shows up at home, to be greeted by 21.》

21: Any luck?

(Y/N): No, Krillin 17, and 18 are currently out responding to an emergency call. I'm gonna be home for a while.

21: What about Marron?

(Y/N): She's staying with Bulma for the time being.

《 Just then a 13 year old Uub comes storming through the front door. 》

(Y/N): Hey Bud!

《 Uub doesn't acknowledge either of them and keep his head down as he speed walks to his room. 》

21: That's weird, he usually gives me a hug when he gets home, I wonder what's wrong with him today.

《 Then Marron walks through then door, worried like. 》

(Y/N): Hey Marron, what's wrong with Uub?

Marron: Well...see....I was getting picked on by some boys and Uub stood up for me. The boys all ganged up on him but he refused to fight them.

(Y/N): Hmm

21: Oh yea, Marron and Uub have been dating for a few months now.

(Y/N): Ok ok I see the problem here.

21: (Y/N), he needs a father right now, he needs you.

《 (Y/N) knocks on Uub's door, after he didn't get an answer, he walked into the room to see Uub sitting on his bed, so (Y/N) sat next to him.》

(Y/N): Did they hurt you?

Uub: Hmm

(Y/N): Are you all right?

Uub: I wanted to hit that kid. I wanted to hit him so bad.

(Y/N): I know you did. I mean, part of me even wants you to, but then what? Epuld that make you feel any better? You just have to decide what kind of a man you want to grow up to be, Uub; because whoever that man is, good character or bad, he's... He's gonna change the world.

《 They both walk out of the room and Uub hugs 21 and goes to talk to Marron. 》

21: He's a good kid (Y/N), he's just young.

(Y/N): I know.

《 21 see Uub and Marron kiss 》


(Y/N): Come on Marron I'll walk you to Capsule Corp, your mom and dad are out on a mission right now.

《 (Y/N) flies Marron to Capsule corp as 21 talk to Uub.》

21: He always believes you're meant for greater things, and that when the day came, your shoulders would be able to bear the weight.

Uub: Yeah, I just wish he could be around more to see it finally happen.

21: He will, even though it feels like he doesn't care, he does. Remember, you have a sister out there that he's trying to bring home.

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