One Last Push

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《(Y/N) wakes up in the next morning peacefully, the birds are chirping, and the sun is shining. He gets out of bed stretches, then he goes to take a shower and brush his teeth. After that (Y/N) goes into the kitchen and starts making breakfast. He calls Rachel down to eat, but he receives no answer.》

(Y/N): Weird, I know she can smell this. She usually pounces at the chance to eat my cooking.

《 (Y/N) walks to Rachel's room door and knocks twice. 》

(Y/N): Rachel? Are you ok? If this is about yesterday, I'm sorry. There's a lot happening, and I just needed a moment to myself. Rachel?

《 (Y/N) opens Rachel's door to see that she's not in there. He rushes over to where Boxer sleeps, and he's not there either. He immediately kicks into dad mode and starts searching for them everywhere. 》

(Y/N): No no no how could I be so stupid and careless!

《 He hears a knock on the front door, and he opens it to see Chaos and Pina. 》

Chaos: Goodmorning sir, by any chance, do you know where Cain might be?

Pina: I keep telling you, he's probably on patrol or something.

Chaos: No, he can't be. He took his things.

(Y/N): And Boxer and Rachel are gone too.

《 (Y/N) immediately goes to his room to change his clothes and runs out the door. 》

Pina: Where are you going, sir?

(Y/N): To find my daughter and my nephew

Chaos: We're coming to!

(Y/N): I don't care, just don't be in my way.

Pina: Where are we going?

(Y/N): My old master had a sister named Baba, and she has a crystal ball that she can use to see past, present, and future.

Chaos: But can't you just like, sense thier energy?

(Y/N): They're too far away, and I can't get a good reading.

Chaos: Why would they leave all of a sudden?

Pina: Knowing Cain, it's because of his crush on Rachel.

(Y/N): And Boxer probably just followed, but that still begs the question. Why would Rachel leave?

《 Meanwhile, with Rachel and Gang 》

Rachel: Wait, i thought you had to have a pure heart to become a super sayian.

Cain: Yea, but there's more than one way to realize the legend.

《 Cain stands in a heroic pose while Rachel giggles a bit. 》

Cain: And besides, my heart is pure.... pure unadulterated BADASS!

Boxer: More like pure unadulterated ego.


Boxer: aWwWw, is that not okay???

Cain: As a matter of fact, GO FUCK YOURSELF!

Boxer: Been there, Done that.

Rachel: Ewwww

Cain: So explain to me again why you left.

Rachel: Ugh...My dad has been through so much, loosing his family over and over again, making the tough decisions, he moved out into the woods just to keep me and his family safe. Yet, no one thinks of him. You think he actually wanted to hurt anyone?! He's not the villain, he only did what he did because there was no choice.

Boxer: Trunks told me the stories, he said that even Vegeta lost against (Y/N) once. My father once told me that I was special because I was not of this world. He told me that I meant something, that day when he left for work I just....something was off. He left and never came back but I still refuse to believe that he is dead. That's the reason I'm coming with you, I need the truth.

Rachel: That's pretty noble of you. What about you Cain?

《 Cain starts blushing 》


Boxer: You're getting red.

Cain: SHUTUP YOU IDIOT! Well, to fight Frieza and impress King Vegeta. Remember how much stronger Frieza was when he came back to Earth a while back? What happens if he achieves a newer form?

Boxer: Hold on a second. You mean he could get more powerful and try to beat us again?

Cain: No doubt about it, that golden form really did a number on us.

Boxer: I don’t know, I mean, we did have the Z Warriors on our side.

Cain: You idiot! Do you honestly believe the Z Warriors can still do it? Their getting old, and it's our turn to replace them and protect the universe.



《 Boxer looks down and sees an innocent looking creature. 》

Boxer: Oo, what's this?

Cain: Idiot don't do it.

Boxer: You don't look so dangerous...

《the creature spits on him》

Boxer: ARRGGHHH! I'm hit! It's melting my face! It burns! I think it's acid

Rachel: Boxer, that's an eastern dingle hopper. They're not even poisonous.

《 Boxer stands up and wipes the spit off his face. 》

Boxer: Aww, nuts! It's just shizzle.

Cain: Aghh. I hope that's not contagious.

《  Boxer aims his sword towards the creature》

Boxer: Alright, I gotta hurt you now, you're just too disturbing to live... Take that......Bitch!

《 Boxer slices the alien in half》

Cain: OOOO Nice one!

Boxer: Boom, you're dead!

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