Death and Rebirth

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《 Cut to (Y/N) and Bulla laying in bed together 》

Bulla: Tell me about them

(Y/N): About who?

Bulla: Uub and Rachel, your other kids.

(Y/N): Well Uub has been kind of an airhead ever since I adopted him. He always put his family first, I wasn't always there but he still grew up alright.

Bulla: You always wanted a boy.

(Y/N): And Rachel geez, when I found out that she was my daughter I was in utter shock. She's so smart and kind, someone she let's her emotions cloud her judgment but hey she's just a kid.

Bulla: She sounds wonderful.

(Y/N): What about you?

Bulla: Huh?

(Y/N): How are things between you and Ginge?

Bulla: At times its hard to understand her outburst, but I know it's coming from a place of hurt so I try to support her as best as I can. In otherworldl I never got the chance to see her often but i know she's still mine.

(Y/N): We did pretty good with Penelope.

《 Bulla starts kissing (Y/N)'s neck 》

Bulla: We shouldn't have another.

(Y/N): Another!? Are you trying to seduce me?

Bulla: Maybe....I know I tried to kill you earlier and I've been gone for so long. You might not think I'm as thin as I used to be or as pretty as I once was..

(Y/N): Bulla, oh Bulla. You couldn't be more wrong. You're even more beautiful then ever!

《 Bulla starts to blush 》

(Y/N): Your strong hip and thighs...

《 (Y/N) begins feeling Bulla's body 》

(Y/N): Your smooth luscious curves...and These!!

《 (Y/N) buries his face in Bulla's boobs then kisses her. 》

(Y/N): Yes let's have another....let's have dozens more.

《 Cut back to Boxer in the simulation. 》

Boxer: How is sending me back to the past suppose to help me power up?! This is just frustrating......Wait my emotions. Rachel told me to control my emotions to be able to use ki.

[ 10 Minutes Remain ]

《 Mai walks over to Boxer 》

Boxer: Mom, I'm tired of living in the woods, it feels like we're hiding.

Mai: That's because we are, but we're happy together and that's all that matters.

[ 5 Minutes remain ]

《 Boxer hugs Mai as tight as he can 》

Mai: I'm going go inside a make some tea ok. I love you

Boxer: I love you too mom.

《 Mai walks inside to start the kettle. 》

Boxer: It's been so long since I've seen my mom, I've missed her so much.

《 Mai sees Boxer through the window and she smiles at him, Boxer sees her and begins waving at her.》

[ 0 minutes remain ]

《 In the blink of an eye the entire house in blown away by an energy beam. Boxer looks in horror as he sees his mother's hand sticking out of the debris. He looks up to see Cumber fighting (Y/N), Goku and Vegeta. Boxer screams out in agony, it was so loud and strong that Boxer has passed out. Boxer wakes up in his mother's arms. 》

Mai: It's okay baby, you just fell down and scraped your knee that's all.

Future Trunks: You'll be alright kiddo.

《 Mai gives Boxer a kiss on his forehead and Boxer goes back outside to play. 》

Mai: Look at him so happy and innocent. I'm glad I came back in time to have this.

Future Trunks: Yea but you could've stayed back. Hiding in the middle of know to keep my family safe is not a life I want to live.

[ 1 hour remains]

Boxer: What the hell just happened? Did I just watch my mom die again? I'm in a loop

《 Cut to Jason and everyone else in the lab.》

Jason: His reading are through the roofs.

Becca: I told you this was dangerous.

Jason: Everything is fine, he's still stable.

《 Upon hearing this Cain walks out 》

Future Trunks: So th-that's what happened after I left that day.

Rachel: Pull Boxer out!!

Jason: Pulling him out of the simulation right now will indefinitely kill him. He has to past the test.

Rachel: What test?! What are you talking about?

Jason: His mind created this test in the simulation so he could grow stronger. To pass, it can be as simple as accepting someone's death or not stepping on a branch.

Rachel: Or controlling his emotions.

Jason: He'll just keep reliving that moment untill he figures it out, Good thing in the simulation 1 hour equals to 5 mins out here.

《 Cut back to Boxer》

Boxer: I can't do many times has it been now? 4? 13? No more than that.

《 Boxer's body splits in 2, the Alternate Boxer talks》

Alt Boxer: Aww poor Boxer.

Boxer: Mom..Mom...Why...? Why did you leave me all alone...? I missed you... I hate being alone...I wish dad didn't leave... I wish he had chosen to stay me...! I WISH YOU GUYS HAD LIVED...FOR ME!!!

Alt Boxer: Even if it meant forsaking the rest of the world?


Alt Boxer: Even if it meant Cumber would win?


Alt Boxer: Even if it meant everyone you know and love now would be dead in the future?


《 Boxer screams out once again and the surge of power wakes him up from the simulation. Future Trunks hugs Boxer. Boxer stands up now with blonde hair. Boxer has reached SSJ. 》

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