A Warm Welcome

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《 Uub flies to the lookout with Allison, looking unbearably defeated. Goku and Vegeta are there to collect sensu beans with Piccolo.》

Goku: UUB!

Vegeta: What happened?

Allison: That monster Foo...he...he-

《 Alison starts crying, and Vegeta comforts her because she reminds him of his daughter. 》

Goku: Mr. Popo, is the hyperbolic time chamber still up and running?

Mr.Popo: Of course

《 Vegeta looks at Allison 》

Vegeta: I'll teach you how to become a strong warrior.

Goku: And Uub, I'll show you how to become something more so you can defeat your enemies.

Piccolo: I'll go find (Y/N) Foo must be stopped.

《 Back with Boxer, he stands in silence, opening and closing his fist, feeling his newfound power. 》

Boxer: Hey Rachel, think you could send me over to your uncle FOO?

Rachel: What?....I mean I can, but..

Future Trunks: Are you serious?

Penelope: You can't just waltz into enemy territory. it's suicidal!

Boxer: But you can do it , right?

Rachel: Indeed, but keep in mind, once I teleport you to hell, there'll be a slight delay before you can be teleported back. We were gonna tell the long way through the forbidden forest because this way was way too dangerous.

Jason: Yea, that sounds way too dangerous.

Rachel: In other words, you must survive longer than 10 seconds on your own. If an attempt is made any sooner, you'll be reduced to a lump of meat. Still want to go?

Boxer: HELL YEA!

Rachel: Very well then.

《 Rachel starts to recite the ritual 》

Future Trunks: Hey, hold on, how about you take a bit more time before y-

《 Boxer cuts him off 》

Boxer: I'm only going over there to say hello.

《 Boxer dissappears before Future Trunks could even respond. Boxer appears in hell in front of Foo. 》

Foo: You!

Boxer: Sup! Heard you wanted to see me.

Foo: So you think you can just waltz into my world all willy nilly!?

《 The guards all surround Boxer 》

Foo: WAIT! Nobody here lays a finger on him. This is my prey.

《 Foo towards over Boxer. Boxer jumps up and kicks Foo in his face. Then he stomps down on Foos's head, sending him deeper into the ground. Foo becomes inraged and stands up and screams.》

Foo: Seems I may have underestimated you. That will not happen again.

《 Foo starts throwing punch after punch at Boxer, but Boxer dodges every single one. 》

Boxer: Or maybe I'm just stronger than you.

《 Boxer grabs Foo's head and slams it onto his knee. Then, as Foo falls backward, Boxer kicks him in his chest. 》

Boxer: Don't look at me like that. I just come to give you a little greeting, that's all. Well, it's more like a warning. If you keep messing with my family, then I promise you that we will crush you completely with everything we have.

《 Foo's guards rush in to grab Boxer, but he dissappears before their eyes. Foo stands up and screams from the top of his lungs. 》

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