Caught in a bottle

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《 Boxer stands up to see Cain and Rachel carrying the bodies of Future Trunks and Penelope/Ginge. 》

Boxer: Holy Shit! Did I kill them?

Cain: Nah I think you just knocked them out.

Rachel: Can you grab Cumber, we're taking them somewhere safe.

《 Boxer picks up Cumber and they start walking. 》

Boxer: Where are we going? This motherfucker is heavy as hell.

Rachel: To my uncle.


Rachel: A different uncle. Forget going to see Foo

Boxer: Oh.

《 The gang stops in front of a huge bolder, and Rachel puts her palm on it. A stair leading down into the earth appears, and they begin walking down. They walk into a cave as lights begin to turn on.》


《 Jason appears 》

Jason: Something like that. How ya doing, Rachel?

Rachel: Could be better.

Jason: So, Rachel... To what do I owe the pleasure?

Rachel: Right. Umm... I'm really sorry to bother you,but... When my dad came to this timeline, his entire life got screwed up, and... I was wondering, I mean, I don't even know if this would actually work, but I was wondering if... Maybe you could go back in time and make it so that he never did?

Jason: Rachel... He tampered with the stability of space-time to resurrect countless lives. Do you wanna do it again now just because it got messy again? That's selfish.

Rachel: This isn't... it's not about me. I mean, this is really hurting a lot of people. My... My brother, my dad, my boyfriend, their futures are ruined just because they know me, and... They've done nothing wrong.

Jason: I am so sorry, but... even if I wanted to... I don't have the equipment

Rachel: That's right. I'm really sorry if I... wasted your time.

Jason: You didn't...

Rachel: Just forget about it

《 Becca walks into the room. 》

Becca: He will. He's really good at forgetting things. He needs a stronger brain.

Jason: Becca, You've actually generated a good idea.

Becca: What? ?...

Jason: The training grounds

Boxer: The training grounds?

Jason: Oh, it's just a standard training simulation. Won't turn back time, but at least you'll be a lot stronger

Boxer: Seriously?

Becca: No. Not seriously. That simulation travels the dark borders between known and unknown parts of the brain. It's too dangerous.

Jason: God, we've used it for a lot less. Do you remember the full moon party in Budapest?

Becca: No.

Jason: Exactly, i wiped it from your mind. Come on. Becca. Hasn't she been through enough?

Becca: Fine.

Jason: Fine.

Cain: Can you help us with these guys?

Jason: Yea, I'll put them in a cell down in basement level 2.

《 They put the prisoners in their cells, and they begin to wake up. 》

Future Trunks: What is this?

Penelope/Ginge:[ Penelope]You picked the wrong side.

《 Cumber chuckles from his chamber》

Penelope/Ginge: [ Ginge]Cumber?

Boxer: Wait. You know this creature?

Future Trunks: No, no, no, no. Not a creature. A man.

Penelope/Ginge: [Penelope] was a brilliant scientist and a being of unfathomable power. Until he turned himself into a god. Then he tried to pretty much destroy earth. It was crazy.

Cumber: It wasn't crazy, It was the next step in evolution.

Boxer: The beast can talk.

Cumber: Speaking of which, what happened to you Trunks? Last I recall, you were burnt to a crisp. Did you get a makeover? You know I can give you a real makeover.

Future Trunks: Let me guess: into a slave?

Cumber: Exactly.

Penelope/Ginge: [ Ginge] Would you two just shut up? Where are we?

Rachel: It's complicated.

Boxer: The Batcave

Future Trunks: Batcave?

Boxer: There's no real way to sugarcoat that. It's literally the Batcave

Penelope/Ginge: [ Penelope] I don't like this, I miss my dad and mom.

Cain: They all died years ago.

Rachel: Huh?

Cain: We're just flying out in the darkness to fight ghosts.

Jason: I did some research i think I can complete the proper ritual, it'll reverse the spell and send these guys back.

Future Trunks: And then what? We perish?

Cumber: Nah, no thanks. I'll pass on that.

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