It's All Fun And Games

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《 As night falls everyone begins to settle in for bed, (Y/N) is making a bed on the couch when Rachel comes in to make a bed on the other couch. 》

(Y/N): What are you doing?

Rachel: My room has a roof leak and it keeps me up at night.

(Y/N): Then go bunk with Becca!

Rachel: Hell no! She sleeps naked.

(Y/N): Fine but you better not annoy me kid.

Rachel: I won't!

《 1 minute later 》

Rachel: Wanna hear a joke?

(Y/N): No!

Rachel: Why can't your nose be twelve inches long?

《 (Y/N) sighs in frustration 》

(Y/N): I don't know, why?

Rachel: Because then it would be a foot!

(Y/N): Pfft... That's so dumb

Rachel: What did the mermaid wear to her math class?

(Y/N): [Annoyed] What?

Rachel: An algae-bra.

(Y/N): [scoffs] Terrible...

Rachel: Why did the scarecrow get a promotion?

(Y/N): Alright...

Rachel: Because he was outstanding... In his field.

(Y/N): That'll do.

《 Literally 5 seconds later 》

Rachel: What is the leading cause of divorce in long-term marriages?

(Y/N): [sighs]

Rachel: A stalemate.

(Y/N): That's awful.

Rachel: ...You're awful.

(Y/N): Do you even understand what that means?

Rachel: Nope... It doesn't matter.

《 (Y/N) and Rachel can't seem to sleep so he gets them late night Juice Pops. 》

Rachel: I dreamt about flying the other night.

(Y/N): Oh yeah?

Rachel: Yeah.

(Y/N): Go on, tell me about it.

Rachel: So, I'm on this big plane full of people. And everyone is screaming and yelling 'cause the plane's going down. So I walk to the cockpit, open the door, but there's no pilot. I try to use the controls but... I obviously have no clue how to fly a plane. And right before we crash, I wake up. I've never been on a plane. Isn't that weird?

(Y/N): Hmpf. Well, you know, dreams are weird.

《 After a while they both fall asleep and (Y/N) has a very bad night terror which cause him to wake up screaming. As he wakes up he sees Rachel by his side holding his hand and praying for him. 》

Rachel: You had a nightmare.

(Y/N): Do you have nightmares?

Rachel: I do, People hurt me.

(Y/N): Mine are different.

Rachel: How so?

(Y/N): I hurt people.

Rachel: I've hurt people too.

(Y/N): You're gonna have to learn how to live with that.

Rachel: They were bad people.

(Y/N): Most of them are...

Rachel: Can you do like the energy ball things?

(Y/N): Yea...

Rachel: Can you show me?

(Y/N): Sure, go to sleep I'll show you tomorrow.

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