Super Saiyan Spies

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《 Raditz calls a meeting early in the morning to discuss the plan. 》

Rachel: They're ready when you are.

Raditz: Are they in the briefing room?

Rachel: Yes Sir

《 Raditz walks into the room to see Cumber sitting in the big chair. 》

Raditz: Y'know, this is still my company.

Cumber: Last time I checked your face wasn't on the billboards.

Raditz: We can settle this legally because I know for sure you haven't been paying taxes

Cumber: I'll go to war with the demon queen, but not the fucking IRS.

《 Cumber gets up and Raditz sits down to begin the breifs. 》

Raditz: Ok, so A-Team is gonna be Uub, Bulla, and Ginge.

Uub: Ginge?

Cumber: Yes Ginge, she's down here too.

Raditz: You three are going to an underground facility in New Hades. Uub, Draw all the bases attention to you. Then while they're distracted Penelope will take out the security systems and snatch as much info as you can. And Ginge Ginge. You'll wait until Rachel gives to the signal to go in then you'll do your thing.

Penelope: Sounds simple enough, come on Uub were going to get Ginge.

《 Uub and Penelope leave the room. 》

Raditz: Rachel?

Rachel: Yes?

Raditz: I know you're pretty smart and a tech wiz right?

Rachel: That's right.

Raditz: I'm in trusting you to find your father.

Rachel: Yes Sir, you won't regret this.

Cumber: So want about me?

Raditz: After what you've ain't doing shit.

《 Blonde Launch opens the door 》


Raditz: You get to deal with your mother.

《 Blonde Launch stands there with a rolling pin in her hand. 》

Cumber: Aw shit.

《 Meanwhile Uub and Penelope make it to Ginge's house, Uub knocks on the door and is greeted while a gun to his face. 》


Ginge: Oh its you, Damn you finally died?

Uub: Noo

Penelope: Hey sis

Ginge: Yooo Pene baby, what's up?

Uub: We need some help.

Ginge: (Y/N) has been captured by the Demon Queen?

Uub: How-

《 Ginge pulls out the invitation. 》

Ginge: I'm kinda a big deal down here. I'll help, I'm getting bored anyway.

《 They all head back to base to gear up. Penelope and Ginge are walking around when Rachel stumbles up them. 》

Penelope: Ok so, one night with any lover
but you have to punch a panda do you do it.

Ginge: Mmm good question.

Rachel: Um...Penelope right?

Ginge: who are you?

Rachel: I'm Rachel, also known as the Demon Queens's daughter.

Ginge: Good to know.

《 Ginge grabs Rachel and puts a gun to her head. 》

Rachel: What are you doing?

Ginge: Threatening you,  you're not killing (Y/N).

Rachel: I don't want to kill him.

《 Ginge let's her go. 》

Ginge: Well that was easier than I thought.

Rachel: my mom used me to get to him.

《 Ginge grabs Rachel again. 》

Rachel: Now what!?

Ginge: Now I'm holding you hostage

Rachel: You don't need to do this!

Ginge: Yeah that's what a hostage always says.

Penelope: No like you really don't need to do this she's here to help us

Ginge: Yeah but I already have the gun drawn so...

Rachel: Are you shitting me right now!?

Ginge: Maybe. I'm not sure yet, I'm kind of winging it right now.

Rachel: Well, can you wing it without the gun?

Ginge: It's a comfort thing.

Rachel: Not for me

Ginge: What do you want?

Rachel: For you to put the gun down.

Ginge: Get used to disappointment.

Rachel: You sound like my mother.

《 Ginge immediately let's Rachel go. 》

Ginge: What!

Rachel: She's always telling me that life is about misery not happiness that dreams only exist to make people forget about their own mediocrity.

Penelope: Man that's depressing.

Rachel: Being the demon queen's daughter sucks

Penelope: But what do you do want?

Rachel:  I want to punch my mom and then dad, for not being there.

《 Uub walks in upon hear the conversation.》

Uub: Yeaaa he does that alot.

Ginge: Wait!? She's the Demon Queen's kid right? So how does (Y/N).....oh

Penelope: Yep.

Uub: We had the sane reaction.

Ginge: We're gonna get along just fine.

《 In the distance to can hear Blonde Launch yelling at Cumber to scrub the toilets harder. 》

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