No strings on me

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《 (Y/N) yelling to puar in a cave》

(Y/N): Do they think that I'm just some fucking dog puar?

Puar: No, of course not

(Y/N): They think they can just snap their fingers and I'll come running. Well, TO HELL WITH THEM!

Puar: (Y/N), what would Bulla do?

(Y/N): She'd help them but I ain't her!

Puar: Why won't you do that then? Why do you always have to act so stubborn?

(Y/N): I can't.....I....I won't loose anyone else! Pushing them all away is the only way to keep them safe. This timeline has had enough of my meddling.

Puar: You're a good person (Y/N) maybe a bit broken but still good. I mean I'd be dead if you didn't stop those red ribbon army guys from trying to abduct me and oolong.

《 Oolong wakes up from his nap on the couch 》

Oolong: Yea then you sneezed a hole into this side of the mountain for us to live in. You even went outta your way to save a defenseless child and rise him as your own while teaching him martial arts. We owe alot to you (Y/N).

(Y/N): Guys, I....

???: Dagonit!

(Y/N): And he's awake....great.

《 (Y/N) walks into a room to see an old man, frantically looking around for something》

(Y/N): What's with all this yelling Master Roshi!?!

Roshi: My makeout weekly magazines are gone!

(Y/N): Yea, we threw them out.

Roshi: You did what?!?!

(Y/N): Those magazines were over a century old Roshi.


(Y/N): oh..Oh...

Roshi: Don't worry, I'm going teach you about privacy.

《 Roshi hands (Y/N) some cartons of milk and a huge turtle shell to wear. He also puts wrist and ankle weights on him.》

Roshi: You're gonna deliver all this milk before the sunset without lifting a single foot off the ground.

(Y/N): Yes Master Roshi!

Oolong: Speaking of training, Where is Uub?

Puar: Who knows, let him live his life. He's still just a kid.

Roshi: Turn the TV on, my shows are on.

《 (Y/N) turns the TV on and see the news. A village nearby was under attack by an unknown being, As (Y/N) starts walking out the door while looking at the TV, he sees a Blue haired woman and drops the milk cartons.》

Oolong: Is that....

Puar: No way...

Roshi: She's a hottie...

《 (Y/N) shoots Roshi with a ki blast 》

Roshi: I deserved that!

《 (Y/N)'s phone starts to blow up 》

(Y/N): Hello.

《 (Y/N) drops everything and runs out the door immediately to capsule corps. 》

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