Leave It To (Y/N)

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Trunks: Guys, I just felt a huge energy drop near the tournament.

Cumber: My world was taken from me, universe 13 was erased and i was imprisoned because they couldn't kill me. It unlocked my true power and now the same will happen to you dear brother.

Broly: This is the timeline when Vegeta's mind get taken over and he killed alot of people at the tournament.

Trunks: HE DOES WHAT???


Cumber: You better hurry.

《 Trunks, Broly, (Y/N), and Piccolo all fly immediately to the tournament. They arrive and see Vegeta point his hand towards a crowd of people and (Y/N) sees Bulla and Penelope. (Y/N) immediately tries to race towards them but Cumber grabs (Y/N) and forces him to watch. 》


《 Bulla grabs Penelope and throws her towards Trunks just as Vegeta releases a ki blast. Trunks catches Penelope just as the ki blast connects with the audience.....Bulla was unable to deflect the attack and was killed by her father......Bulla has died.》


《 Vegeta looks up and smiles 》

《 (Y/N) wakes up in a chair 》

(Y/N): Good golly, what a peculiar dream.

《 (Y/N) walks downstairs to see his beautiful wife, Xiira, cooking breakfast in the kitchen.》

Xiira: Morning, dear! I made your favorite breakfast!"

《 He sits down to eat pancakes. 》

Xiira: Oh! Mr. Vegeta from across the street is going out of town for a few weeks. He was wondering if you could check his mail for him. Oh, and your friend Trunks called. I'm sure he has some crazy new get-rich scheme. Oh, that Trunks. Such a card." And someone named Cumber stopped by earlier. I didn't recognize him so I just sent him away. I think I heard little Goten deliver the paper earlier. Could you fetch it, dear?"

《 (Y/N) eats breakfast then goes to grabs the mail, he see his daughter Rachel, hopping onto the school bus. Then he sees sheriff Goku.》

Sheriff Goku: You ready to meet the fine people of the world? Well, get in the car. Don't wanna be late now.

(Y/N): Me. drive?

Sheriff Goku: It's your world. Go ahead.

(Y/N): What?

《 (Y/N) starts to drive through the town. 》

Sheriff Goku: Boy, they sure are anxious to meet you.

(Y/N): What are you talking about?

Sheriff Goku: Hehe. Why, you do have a queer sense of humor. Can't wait to get out to the lake this weekend. I hear the fish are really bitin'.

(Y/N): Something ain't right.

Sheriff Goku: Don't you worry now. We're almost there.

《 (Y/N) pulls up close to a diner. 》

Sheriff Goku: Well, here we are. Why don't ya glad-hand a bit. We got time.

Photographer: Can I get a picture?!

《 (Y/N) poses》

Photographer: Aww, thank ya kindly!

Sheriff Goku: Looks like it's time! Your public is waiting.

《 They both walk into a diner, Krillin greets (Y/N) 》

Krillin: Oh my stars, it's you!

(Y/N): Hi, how are... ?

《 Krillin subtly glitches a little bit 》

(Y/N): What the *BLEEP*?

《 Goku then starts to walk towards (Y/N) aggressively. 》

Sheriff Goku: We don't use that kind of language here.

《 All the townspeople inside the diner start advancing towards (Y/N), slowly and menacingly, while glitching randomly. (Y/N) hops into the car and speeds away.》

《 Meanwhile Rachel starts to get a ping from her computer. 》

Rachel: Holy shit, I think I found him! YO GRANDPA RADITZ GET IN HERE!

Raditz: Are you sure that's him?

Rachel: Postive!

Raditz: Ok everyone, you know what to do.

《 Rachel starts hacking into the mainframe when she starts hearing (Y/N)'s voice.》


Raditz: Did it just censor him?

Rachel: It did. I'm gonna try to talk to him.

《 (Y/N) is speeding throughout the neighborhood when he starts hearing Rachel. 》

Rachel: Hello? Hello?

(Y/N): Rachel is that you?

Rachel: FINALLY!"Listen to me. No time to explain. But you have to break free. The place you're in isn't real. Whatever it's having you do, you need to stop.

(Y/N): Currently I'm speeding throughout red lights.

Rachel: I need some more time before I can get you out. It would be really helpful if you could just, y'know, just be you i guess. This simulation is all about normalcy. Pleasantry. Order. So I've hacked through and now you should be able to use your powers, just destroy everything till we get you out.

(Y/N): Bet

《 (Y/N) powers up to Super Saiyan and begins a rampage. 》

Rachel: You're doing great. The simulation is--oh no. Wait a minute.

《 Sheriff Goku falls from the sky》

Sheriff Goku: Yeeeeeehaaaaaw! Couldn't leave well enough alone, could ya? You had to push, and push, and push.

《 (Y/N) and Goku begin fighting 》

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