A Fading Memory.

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《(Y/N) lays on the roof top gazing at the starts as Bulla finally finds him》

Bulla: The roof, of course. I knew you'd be hiding up here.

(Y/N): I'm not hiding babe, I'm thinking.

《Bulla hands him a blanket as she sits down next to him》

Bulla: Whatcha thinkin about?

《 (Y/N) pauses and thinks for a min》

(Y/N): I want to have a baby.

《Bulla jumps up and anxiously starts yelling at (Y/N).》

Bulla: You what-?! (Y/N)! Look if you're just saying that because that's what i want then don't! I know I've talked you into doing things you don't always want to do but this isn't something-

《(Y/N) Stops her》

(Y/N): Babe, quit being hysterical. I want this. I really do. I want to have a baby...I mean only if you want too.

《 Bulla tackles (Y/N) kissing him all over as she screams at the top of her lungs》


[A few weeks later]

《(Y/N) walks into the kitchen to grab some water when Trunks sees him.》

Trunks: Are you ok bro? You look exhausted.

(Y/N): Yea I'm ok, it's just your sister and I have been-Err....umm...well...working very hard.

《Just then Bulla comes over the intercom》


Trunks: Oooo you in trouble.

(Y/N): How about you shutup cuz I know about you and Mai sneaking off together.

Trunks: Shutup.

《(Y/N) walks upstairs and sees a pregnancy test in Bulla's hand. Bulla just looks at him and smiles.》

(Y/N): If you can just excuse me for a moment my love.

《(Y/N) jets off and runs around the whole planet yelling》


[Later that day]

《Bulma,Trunks and Mai all come running to (Y/N) because he called them to an emergency meeting》

Trunks: (Y/N) I got your message, what's going on??

Mai: Where's the trouble?

Bulma: Been a while since I was able to kick some ass.

(Y/N): Family and friends! Thank you for meeting us here! Prepare yourselves for the most exciting news you will ever hear in your life!

《 (Y/N) then points at Bulla's belly as she's eating ice cream.》

(Y/N): Little (Y/N) Jr.


Trunks stands in a heroic pose: I am gonna be an uncle?

Bulla: Yes, you're gonna be an uncle and no we're not naming it (Y/N) Jr.

(Y/N) from the background: Yes we are!

《 Bulma walks up and feels Bulla's belly》

Bulma: So when are they arriving?

Everyone: THEY!?!

Bulla: We're just expecting one...hopefully

(Y/N): Yea Bulma, plus having more than one is like rare, right?

Bulma: i don't knooow. This one
gal I met had 3 her first time around.
And Bridget from my high school: she had 4! Sasha had 3, Ellena and Ruben had 2 and are expecting another 2 this November.

《 Bulla and (Y/N) start to look scared》

Bulma: I EVEN KNOW SOMEONE WHO HAD 6! COULD YOU BELIEVE IT?! But, guess it's too early to know.

Bulla look at (Y/N) very angry: What have you done to me!

[8 months later]

《 Bulla is in labor in the medical room and she's starting to push.》

Bulla: "I want a baby" he says "Let's have a baby" he says. That is the LAST TIME! I let you seduce me on our roof!

Bulma: What?

(Y/N): My hand! Babe you're crushing my hand.

Trunks: Yea sis me too dammit!!


Bulma: One more push sweetie, you got it.

《 Bulla lets out one more big push, then she hears the crying as she's overwhelmed with emotions.》

Bulma: It's a girl! Time of birth: 03/13 7:04pm. Healthy weight, vitals are stable Congratulations sweetie.

《Bulma hands Bulla the baby》

Trunks: Carefully mom. She's tiny.

Bulla: That's right, come here, come to mommy. Oh my God (Y/N) she's more perfect than I imagined.

(Y/N): She's so small, you did so good baby. She's looking at you.

Bulla: Hi baby, it's me your mom. And that's your dad over there, sorry you caught me on an off day.

(Y/N): I look even cooler than a sound, right?

《(Y/N) and bulla embrace one another as the baby grabs (Y/N)'s finger》

(Y/N): Ah! She's got my finger! Babe are you seeing this?! You're SO strong, Tiny! You'll be giving Uncle Trunks a run for his money in no time.

Bulla: We'll name you.....

(Y/N): Optimus prime..no no no how about, Mikasa Ackerman...yeaaa.

Bulla: No, her name will be Penelope.

(Y/N): Oooo yes let's add Von Sweets to it.
Penelope Von Sweets. It has a ring to it.

Bulla: How about Penelope (L/N) ?

(Y/N): I like that, ooo I even scared myself with that one. Penelope it is...

《(Y/N) wakes up, not screaming this time. He rolls over to see his bed empty, no Bulla snoring or little demon child to jump on him. Just deafening silence, (Y/N) starts and to cry while he looks at a family picture they all took.》
(Y/N): [under his breath] Damn....

《 The entire house can feel (Y/N)'s pain throught the night. 》

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