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《 Boxer steps outside to enjoy the morning sunrise, Rachel steps out to see it, too.》

Boxer: When all this is over, I want to explore places I've never been. Maybe even get a pet Lion.

Rachel: Why a lion?

Boxer: Because lions are my favorite animals. They're majestic and well respected, like kings.

Rachel: After this, I just want to live peacefully. And soar atop the clouds.

《 Cain walks outside to meet Rachel and Boxer. 》

Boxer: Well, look who it is.

Cain: Good morning.

Rachel: You've been missing out on a lot lately. Are you ok? Oh my, you have a cut on your cheek.

Cain: It's ok, I had an accident during my training, that's why I've been gone so much.

Rachel: What a relief.

Boxer: Looks like you're either getting really strong or you're just really weak.


《 They all laugh. After breakfast, Rachel proposes an idea. 》

Rachel: We should go visit Bulma, she might have some equipment for us to help against Foo.

《 So the crew set off for Bulma's house, but when they arrived, they were shocked to find out that Foo had killed 21, 18, Krillin and Marron. Before leaving, Bulma gives Future Trunks and Penelope hugs just in case they never meet again. Bulma told them to go find Goku and Vegeta at the lookout. Then they were off to the lookout, where a surprise awaited them. 》

Rachel: Dad?

《 (Y/N) turns around to see Rachel. 》

(Y/N): Rachel?

《 Rachel slowly walks up to her father with her head down. 》

(Y/N): Pick your head up. You're too beautiful to be crying

《 Rachel lifts up her head to see (Y/N) smiling at her, and she hugs him tight. 》

Rachel: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

(Y/N): I don't care, I just want you safe.

《 (Y/N) walks up to Cumber and shakes his hand. 》

Cumber: Seems like we always end up together again, huh?

《 (Y/N) and Future Trunks do their secret hand shake. When he sees Penelope he gives her the biggest hug, but he notices Ginge looking left out so he hugs her too. He introduced Rachel to Bulla. 》

Rachel: Miss Bulla, I've heard so much about and you're just as beautiful as my dad described you.

Bulla: Thank you, your father also told me alot about you and you're every bit of awesome he described you.

《 Uub and Allison finally get out of the hyperbolic time chamber and (Y/N) hugs them both. 》

Uub: I wasn't strong enough dad.

(Y/N): I know you did your best.

Allison: Grampa, I couldn't help. I used the skill you and Trunks taught me a-

(Y/N): We are strong, we are gonna defeat Foo.

Allison: Because we are stronger than a weak demon, like Mr. Vegeta said.

《 Chaos and Pina both hug Cain. 》

Chaos: Bro it's been so long

《 Chaos tries to do thier friend handshake but Cain doesn't know it. 》

Cain: Sorry

Chaos: It's alright, you feeling ok?

Cain: Of course I'm ok. I just need a little bite to eat.

《 Cain pulls out an apple and starts eating it and Rachel, Boxer, Pina, and Chaos step back at this. Boxer rushes in to slash Cain with his sword. 》

Cain: Boxer! What the hell was that for!?

(Y/N): Hey! What's going on? STOP FIGHTING!!

《 Chaos runs up to Cain and proceeds to punch him repeatedly until (Y/N) restrains him.》

(Y/N): You're all acting werid.

Cain: Yes, you are. Now hurry Rachel, open a portal so we can finally defeat Foo. Pretty please, princess?

Rachel: What?

Boxer: See that, that is what I'm talking about right there.

Cain: This is ubsurd.

Boxer: How do you know about the portal when you weren't there to see it?

Cain: I-i-i heard umm....Cumber speak of it.

Boxer: He wasn't there to see it. Also, why did you call Rachel, princess, knowing that makes her uncomfortable. You also called me by my name when previously you only called me idiot.

Cain: Those are just coincidences.

Chaos: No, they are not.

Cain: Don't tell me that you're taking their side. We're Bros.

Chaos: Cain, I just watched you eat an entire apple.

Cain: So what?

Pina: Cain, you're deathly allergic to apples...

《 Cain sighs 》

Cain: Like Bulla said, the hex was the easy part, the lying not so much.

《 Cain instantly grows sharp claws and rips out Chaos' throat. Then he changes forms into Foo. 》

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