Got Help?

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《 Goku uses instant transmission to transport him and 21 to Whis, an angel and servant to this universe's God Of Destruction, Lord Beerus. Whis is at a local cake shop looking for something sweet.》

Goku: Yo Whis!

Whis: Ah Goku, how are things?

Goku: To be honest, I need your help.

《 21 buts in 》


Whis: I'll take you to Lord Beerus but he's going to be angry that you woke him up.

Goku: Well, actually she just needs you but YEAAA take me to Lord Beerus.....we'll get you some very tasty food.

《 Whis sighs and teleports Goku and 21 to Lord Beerus's planet. Whis goes to wake up Lord Beerus. 》

Whis: Lord Beerus, it's time. Time to wake up. And don't fall back asleep.

Beerus: Fine, Whis. I'm up.

Whis: [sighs] I just don't want you sleeping in for 15 years too late, and waking up a groggy like the last time. But, if you requires some more coddling.

《 cough and picks up the microphone 》

Whis: I'm always happy to show off my vocal range with the singing performance trust you!

《 the microphone feedback, Whis humming 》

Beerus: [yells] I said "I'm up!" Oh, but it's so cozy.

《 Beerus began to gets up, yawning and licking his arms 》

Beerus: To count as truly restful slumber, I have to get at least 50 years. It has even been 2 weeks that's a little cat nap, what's the meaning of this?

Whis: Lord Beerus, Goku-


Whis: They're looking for "The legendary sayain"

《 Lord Beerus sits up straight and gets serious. 》

Beerus: The one....

《 Lord Beerus gets ready and flies down to see Goku talking to Vegeta. 》

Goku: Sounds like the old destroyer to me...

Beerus: Hey. What are you two punch jockeys doing up here?

《 Bulma gives Lord Beerus a huge bowl of strawberries to ease his mind. 》

Goku: Oh! Hi, Mr. Lord Beerus, sir. We asked Whis to train us and my friend here needs some help.

Beerus: I figured that much, I'm not a fool. What I mean is, How did you two get here?

Goku: Don't be mad, your lordness. We got touch with Mr. Whis and asked him to bring us here. I can't sent your energy to find this place, So he had to hitch a ride with him! It was the only way!

Beerus: So, Whis brought you here? Huh. Let me guess, All it took to get on your good side was something high in calories.

Goku: [laughs] Yep. You guessed it.

Beerus: And why is it so important to build your strength, Goku? I hope all this training isn't your secret way of gunning for the job of destroyer.

Goku: Oh, no! I'd never want your job. All I want is get stronger.

Vegeta: And I won't let this clown leave me in the dust. So, I'm training too.

Whis: It hadn't dawned on me 'til now just how poorly, If you guys get along. If ever found a way to work together for once, you would be able to go toe-to-toe if even Lord Beerus.

Beerus: No one ask me to your opinion, Whis. Can it.

Vegeta: Please, we tried that once and I'll never let it happen again.

Goku: Vegeta doesn't bug me as much as I seem to bother him. But, when it comes to fighting, I work on my own.

Whis: Well, I've said my peace.

Beerus: [Takes the last strawberry and eats it] Interesting.

Whis: [notices the strawberry are gone] Did you really think i wouldn't notice? That was my strawberry, you're so casually devoured.

Beerus: That's a lie and you know it! How many have you had?

Whis: I've eaten three.

Beerus: Well, I've only had two of them.

Whis: Nice try, my lord. But, I know that you've had four. There were eight to begin with and I am capable of math.

Beerus: You're forgetting something: I am the diety, Whis.

[Whis sighs]

21: Lord Beerus. Sir

《 Lord Beerus looks at 21 and gets a tingling feeling like a shock through his body. 》

Lord Beerus: Cute, You're most than welcome to stay.

《 Everyone gasps 》

Goku: WAIT?!

Vegeta: What just happened?

Bulla: Uncle Beerus likes Ms. 21

Lord Beerus: Shut it Runt...

21: LORD BEERUS !!! I need to find my-

Bulma: Husband.

Vegeta: Boy toy.

Bulla: Friend.

Goku: Sparing partner.

21: Yes....except for Goku

Whis: Can't Goku just sense him?

Goku: I can't, some nasty people are looking for him so I bet he's suppressing his energy.

《 Whis searches his magic ball and finds (Y/N). 》

Whis: Well, grab on and I'll take you to him.

《 Everyone grabs on and are teleported to where (Y/N) is》

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