Chapter 8 - Fitting In

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A few days had passed since the two women were reunited and they did not waste any of the time that they had together. It was like they were joined at the hip, Eleanor enjoyed the company, but for Nat, this was truly needed. She was unaware of this but the Agent was her safe place now, so she was naturally drawn to wanting to be with her. Eleanor was also drawn to Nat, she had good energy, and the two clicked.

They ate together, did work together, watched movies, and whatever else popped into their heads. Today Clint suggested that Eleanor come and train with him and Nat, as she out-skilled him in almost everything and he needed a break for his ego. The two women were obviously fine with this and were excited to train. They hadn't seen each other in action before and so they were also excited to get a bit competitive with each other, both firmly believing they could outsmart the other. 

They both sported black leggings, Nat had decided on a black tank top, whilst Eleanor opted for a cropped tank top. Clint and Nat were already in the training room that was booked out for a private sparring session.

When Eleanor walked through the door she made her way over to the duo, Nat was looking over at her and found her eyes lingering, having never seen her in sports gear. Feeling embarrassed, she turned around to where Clint was and began helping to organise the equipment he was going to be using. 

Eleanor saw Nat get flustered, but didn't really think anything of it. Reaching the two, she said, "Hello hello". 
Clint smirked whilst looking down at his arrows, "You again?". This earned him a slap to the back of his head. 
Eleanor glared at the man who turned around to face her, massaging the back of his head, "You invited me!", she exclaimed whilst pointing her finger at him. Clint pulled this shit all the time, pretending that he didn't want her around, she found it quite amusing in all honesty. It was complete lies, well... sometimes. 

He chuckled dryly as this was really not helping his ego like planned, that slap hurt. "That I did".
Nat just raised an eyebrow at the antics between them, she was still trying to get used to the harsh banter that her new friends displayed, sometimes taking her a few seconds to know if they were actually pissed at each other or if they were just joking. But, when Eleanor's expression changed to more of an amused one, she figured that they didn't hate each other today. Yet. The day was still young. 

Eleanor quickly turned to Nat and smiled, "So, training?".
"Yeah, today's focus is on combat". Eleanor nodded in understanding, she already knew this information.
The two started making their way over to the sparring mat, but before they reached Clint shouted over, "She's gonna beat your ass, Hughes!".
"I'll beat yours in a minute if you don't shut up".
This quickly silenced him as this had happened in the past. She felt very smug at this fact. 

Nat scoffed at the pair before getting into position, "You ready?".
Eleanor joined her on the mat, "Of course".

Nat sprung into action, throwing a punch at her shoulder, which was easily blocked. Nat got pushed back by the block which was an opening for Eleanor to kick her side, which was of course blocked by Natasha. 

Clint was watching the two throwing many punches and kicks, all getting blocked and used against the other person, it was intriguing to watch and it was going on a lot longer than when she was up against Clint. Much to his dismay. 

After a few minutes Eleanor had managed to sweep Nat's legs and sent her flying to the ground, this made Nat falter for a split second as it was unexpected, but she quickly reacted. Before Eleanor could hold her down, Nat looped her leg around her ankle, sending her flying face-first into the ground, and quickly sat on top of her, holding her arms down. After struggling for a few seconds, she tapped out.

Nat stood and extended her hand to help the other woman up. They were both slightly out of breath, so went over to Clint to grab their water. 

Nat looked at Clint who stood looking mildly annoyed and felt like annoying him even more. Turning to Eleanor, she smirked, "Finally someone who was a match for me". She only said this to mess with Clint, but she was actually impressed with her skills, it was rare that she came across someone where she hadn't floored them within seconds of the fight starting, and the younger Agent had even managed to throw her to the floor. 

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