Chapter 60 - Bird Down

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"Shit!", Tony yelled into everyone's earpieces.

"Language!", Cap yelled back, making Eleanor give a look of incredulity at the tree in front of her, almost as if it was a camera in the sitcom of her life. "Jarvis what's the view from upstairs?".

Jarvis satellites had been installed to aid them in missions, making the already very useful AI companion, even better. It had been very useful when entering bases as they could see heat signatures for the whole area, alerting them of different traps and areas where there was a larger population of workers.

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield", the AI's voice came through on comms, "Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken". That news wasn't too great, some HYDRA bases were hard enough to take down without the advanced technology. 

The three spies had been continuing to do a mixture of running and fighting during Jarvis' explanation. Eleanor was quite chuffed with herself when she was chased towards a tree by multiple guards coming at her from multiple directions, so instead of swerving, jumped onto it and pushed herself backwards with her feet, doing a backflip over the guard. When in mid-air she grabbed his shoulders and harshly yanked him down before shooting at the others.

Unfortunately, no one was looking at her, so she swore under her breath as she continued running.

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defence without it", Thor spoke. "At long last", he continued with a deeper voice.

Eleanor watched as Natasha threw a grenade onto a truck and then launched herself over some sandbags, kicking a guard away in the process as she narrowly avoided a laser blast. She rolled her eyes at watching her wife seemingly run into the blast zone, so with a nod of the head from Clint, sprinted after her. She somehow gained even more speed even though she had already been sprinting at her fastest.

 When Eleanor saw two guards approaching Natasha she pulled her gun out but was stopped when she saw Natasha throw herself onto the shoulders of one, and use her hands to grab onto the other one as she threw herself to the floor along with the two in her grasp. A sickening snap could be heard before Nat got up, "'At long last' is lasting a little long, boys".

"Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise", Clint spoke from somewhere nearby.

Blasts upon blasts were being fired at them in this area, and more guards seemed to be pouring toward them. "You think?!", Eleanor yelled as she threw herself to the floor, narrowly missing a blast.

"Honey, you got a little something...", Nat chuckled as she shuffled towards her wife on the floor, a few strands of hair smoking from being singed.

"Uh-huh", she responded, standing up to shoot some of the jetpack guys that were flying towards them.

As the two women made more advancements on the oncoming wave of guards Tony had a mistimed revelation, "Wait a second. No one else is gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said 'Language'?".

"I know", Steve responded with a small gap filled with explosions, "Just slipped out".

The battle raged on, everyone was beginning to struggle at the onslaught of blasts and bullets. But they continued.

As Eleanor saw a tank and a jetpacked guard coming towards them, she had a stupid lightbulb moment. "Gimme a boost!", she yelled to Nat.


"A boost", she clarified. Nat looked at her like she was crazy but still bent down slightly and cupped her hands together. Eleanor ran at her and placed a foot into Natasha's hands, who promptly turned herself slightly and lifted her arms to launch Eleanor into the sky.

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