Chapter 46 - Getting Wings

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"What's the game plan here?", Eleanor voiced, unsure if anyone actually had one or if they were all just saying that it would be easy to steal a Falcon suit for the hell of it.

"We need to figure out if the authorities are also looking for us, or if it's just SHIELD", Nat replied, if they were only being looked for by SHIELD then it might be a possibility for Steve to get in and cause some sort of distraction to allow another one of them in.

"On it". Eleanor grabbed Sam's laptop from the other room, he looked as though he was going to complain, but refrained when he saw the looks that the other three sent him. He was concerned though when she got in without his password. "Oh, you really need better security, Sammy", she almost sounded like she was pitying the guy. He scoffed and looked like he was going to say something, but quickly closed his mouth after realising he had nothing to say.

She was working on accessing the databases of different U.S. based authorities. There were no invasive actions being done, and no changes being made so she wouldn't be detected by them, she was simply gaining information. Looking at the files for the three of them, there was nothing to suggest that anyone was on the lookout for them, or that they were even aware that SHIELD was. They were probably keeping it on the downlow, if it got leaked that Captain America was going to be arrested it would probably cause an outroar.

"We're good to go". Eleanor exited everything, making sure to leave no digital footprint that would lead back to Sam, and gave him his laptop back.

"Great", Steve clapped his hands together. "So, they should have no reason to immediately suspect anything if we make an appearance?".

"It would make more sense if you made a solo appearance, with your military ties and they'll know you're Captain America, they're less likely to turn you away", Eleanor turned back to the group fully, planting herself next to Nat again, who promptly rested her hand on Eleanor's thigh.

"If Steve goes to the front and asks to see the place, they'd probably say yes, even better if they're a Captain America fanboy", Nat smirked. Eleanor smiled softly, it was nice to see that Nat had mulled what she needed to over and had gained a bit more of a cheerful mood. "Then one of us, me or El, goes in behind wearing uniform, try and get access to a keycard once in there, get the wings and make our way back out", she shrugged as though it was the easiest thing in the world.

"Well, which one of yous is gonna be it", Sam looked between the both of them.

"I can do it", Eleanor took a step forward, not wanting Nat to have to do it, she took a harder hit back at the Camp, so there was no way that she was going to send Nat in. Natasha didn't look to happy, as expected, but agreed when she saw a newfound look of determination on Eleanor's face. "So, where are we gonna get the uniform from?".

"I have some spares, you can try on a few for the correct fit". Eleanor nodded and walked with Sam to his room to try and see if any would fit. Luckily, the smallest size that he owned did, so she got changed into it.

Nat walked in after a few minutes and her face changed into a smirk when she saw Eleanor. She walked forward and helped her straighten out parts of the uniform so that she wouldn't look out of place. "I like you in uniform", she husked in a low voice whilst tugging on the collar to straighten it out.

"Oh yeah?", Eleanor flirted back and took ahold of Nat's hands that were still on her.

"Mhm", Nat bit her lip before her face dropped a few moments later.

"Hey, what's wrong?", Eleanor squeezed her hands, not knowing what had caused the sudden change in demeanour.

"Just be careful, please, I don't want the U.S. Army chasing after you as well", she tried to hide her worry with a joke.

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