Chapter 56 - Giddy Goats

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The journey to Clint's farm proved to be difficult. Especially with the pressure of protecting Cooper and Lila, there was no room for mistakes. If their location was found it wasn't like they were in a safe house where they could up and leave when trouble hit. This was a family home. 

They had to return the rental car for starters, if they stole it then it would bring a lot of attention to them. They openly rented the car in public and CCTV would easily identify them, especially with their faces fresh in everyone's mind after the hearing.

Now they had to find a mode of transport to get them to the farm that wouldn't cause them to be in the spotlight. They debated using the Captain's method of going to a quiet area to "borrow" a car, but if it was reported as missing then authorities could easily track it via camera recognition and they would lead people directly to the farm. No, that wouldn't work.

Natasha suggested that they go back to their apartment and figure it out from there, they had all of their pre-packed suitcases by the door anyway so needed to go back regardless. On the walk back from the rental place, a few people looked at them with recognition, but they just kept their heads down and hoped that people wouldn't stop them or start harassing them. News outlets hadn't been the kindest. 

Their faces were plastered across various papers and tabloids, talking about Natasha as a murderer, and Eleanor as a liar.

They just had to hope that everything would die down soon and that the attention would be removed from them. 

When they got up to their apartment, they were confused when they opened the door and saw a note on the floor. Fear immediately ran through them, someone had been in the building and to their apartment door. 

Natasha walked forward first and read the note, relief flashing in her eyes as she read it, "It's Maria again". 

Eleanor huffed as she closed the door, "That woman needs to stop giving me heart attacks. What did she say?".

Nat just turned around and grinned, "She's gotten us a car, the keys are inside and it's outside of the apartment, she's written the license plate here too for good measure". Eleanor looked very clearly shocked, sure Maria had said that she would try and make sure that they would be safe, but she had expected some help on the legal side, not her gifting them a car.

They didn't dwell on it too long though before shooting a thank you message over to her, and then wasting no time in loading it with their luggage and saying goodbye to the apartment. They really missed being at home on the regular, it was their safe bubble, but their situation wasn't one that could be easily controlled.

A quick toilet run was also done before they left as it was decided that they wouldn't take any breaks on the way other than quickly stopping on a layby to switch drivers. Going into any stations to grab food or go to the toilet would be risky with CCTV, so they decided to not go to any of them and to just do the long drive to the Barton family farm in one stint. If they needed the loo, they would need to cross their legs. 

It was extremely tiring, but the two kept each other awake from the passenger seat by yelling songs that were playing on the radio or randomly pointing out things in view. Eleanor had shouted "Cows!" quite a few times on the way. At one point she had shouted it so loud that Natasha very nearly swerved the car.

After many, many hours of driving, they arrived and were very glad to finally be able to get out of the car. Natasha parked in the main barn next to a tractor to keep the car out of the way. 

When the two walked to the boot of the car to get their luggage, Eleanor suddenly flopped her head against Natasha's shoulder, who automatically placed a hand on the back of her head. "What's going on in that little head of yours?", she asked with clear concern lacing her voice.

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