Chapter 17 - Pinky

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The two spent the next morning packing as they flew out to Monaco that day. They would be flying out at very similar times, Nat's flight left 45 minutes before Eleanor's. Due to it being race weekend there were quite a few flights to their destination. They would have been able to get the same plane, but when they gained access through SHIELD on the flight list they saw the names of quite a few reporters and thought it would be better safe than sorry and fly completely separately; even though it was likely no one would pay attention to 'Natalie Rushman' at all. 

"Which dress, детка?", Nat held up a coral dress and a pastel yellow dress.
"Uhh, the pinky one", Eleanor responded before packing up some more tech she would need to have in her hotel room.
"Pinky?", Nat said chuckling slightly, "Alright".

Once they had made sure that everything was packed, they made their way down to the taxi waiting for them. They would be able to ride to the airport together but would have to go their separate ways after that. They were both being overly-paranoid, but people would do anything to get 'the scoop' on Stark, and now being his assistant, even if very new, put a bit of a target on her back. The press is crazy. She would have flown out with the others but she had been asked to fly out slightly early so that everything was ready for when Stark and Pepper arrived. 

When settled into the taxi, Nat grabbed ahold of Eleanor's hand, softly rubbing her thumb across her knuckles, she knew that Eleanor was a bit uneasy with commercial flying, and was gutted that she wouldn't be there to comfort her, so the taxi ride beforehand would have to do in this situation. Eleanor squeezed her hand a few times throughout the ride to make sure that Nat knew the gesture was working and being appreciated. 

Once at the airport, they grabbed their suitcases and walked away from each other a bit, giving each other a small nod that spoke a thousand words, before Nat walked through the entrance, Eleanor waiting a few seconds to follow. It was rather busy in the airport so they got pushed around a little bit by people in a rush and not caring, which was not helping Eleanor's nerves, but she continued, looking as though nothing was bothering her. 

It took about 15 minutes to get to the right section of the airport, and they had about an hour until Nat's flight took off. The two ended up in the same waiting area due to the gates being in close proximity, so they sat so that they could see each other, but were still far enough away.

They spent the entire time texting each other, judging the strangers walking by, occasionally glancing at each other with smirks if they found something especially funny. Natasha found it particularly funny when a businessman was speed walking whilst texting and walked straight into someone, spilling his coffee all over the floor, whereas Eleanor was mourning the loss of the delicious beverage. 

Unfortunately, time passed rather quickly and Nat was being summoned to her gate, the two once again looking at each other briefly before she disappeared into the crowd of people wanting to catch their flight. 

It had been a few minutes since Nat got on her plane, Eleanor was now extremely bored, time was passing super slowly, every time she glanced at the clock she swore she saw time going backwards, not forwards, but she had to sit and wait. She passed the time by counting the tiles that were on the floor. After what felt like years, she too was being called to her flight. The pair were now both in the sky. 


Nat arrived about 2 hours or so before Tony and the others did, so she went to her room to get dressed, chuckling slightly at the memory of Eleanor picking it out earlier, and set up her end of the communications network before heading down to the bar area. She made sure that the table reservation for Tony had gone through okay, and then rung the hotel they were staying at to check that Tony's room was fully ready with all of his ridiculous requests. Luckily both were fine so she just had to loiter around the bar for a while.

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