Chapter 96 - Moonraker

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Bringing the car around to the front of the caravan was an easy enough task, and so was making coffees. Eleanor felt silly about it but she was incredibly happy to be doing such menial tasks. Over the recent months, most times the two asked each other to do something it was a safety precaution. Such as, 'Hey, can you check over last night's CCTV footage whilst I check the perimeter', so to have simple things to do meant a lot.

The weight on their shoulders was still too much to bear, but it had gotten a bit lighter since their arrival a short time ago. Something is better than nothing. After the car was parked out front, Natasha came back in and proposed that they should get into comfy clothes first, which Eleanor eagerly nodded along to, getting sick of being in jeans already.

With sweatpants and crewnecks in tow, Eleanor went outside to bring in their first bag of things. They didn't bring much with them as that would be a nightmare to travel with, just the necessities like clothing, utensils, and a few weapons, just in case. The bag that she had randomly picked up had ended up being the heaviest one, filled to the brim with metal items, most of which she didn't remember packing. It must have been Natasha overpacking all of her weapons she thought to herself as she headed back in, feeling like she had to heave herself up the couple of steps leading to the door.

When she re-entered the tiny home, the first thing that Eleanor noticed was Nat wiping down a side, with her hair now in a bun instead of a half-braid, causing the younger woman to frown slightly. Nat had a habit of re-doing her hair over and over when she was stressed, but it could also be because the half-hair style wasn't keeping enough out of her face. So, she decided to not press about anything and to just keep an eye on her wife throughout the day.

When Nat spotted Eleanor walk in her eyes lit up and a smile formed on her face, "Hey!", she greeted walked over to her and helped Eleanor place the bag down, knowing exactly the contents of it. After all, she had packed it herself and she was quite proud of how many weapons she had managed to fit in such a small backpack. Eleanor on the other hand was now stretching out her back, even after carrying the bag for thirty seconds, it felt as though her spine had been compressed into a pancake.

"Let's quickly get the rest in", Nat moved out of the caravan with Eleanor hot on her tail, and now that the other bags were lighter they took several each so that they wouldn't have to do multiple trips, and tossed them near the sofa, chests rising rapidly from the exertion. The bags themselves were not heavy, but they had both overpacked their bodies to the point where it was a hassle to get through the door. Nat had practically begun wheezing like an old kettle when Eleanor first attempted to get through the door. It was very much like when a dog has a giant stick in its mouth and tries and fails to get through a small gap. She had bounced back slightly into Natasha before comically manoeuvring through the door, smacking the frame with every little movement.

Natasha had entered more graciously but she was still laughing at her wife's failure so almost tripped over as she walked in, earning more laughs from the pair. The unpacking itself went fairly quickly due to the lack of items, and they were soon finished with getting everything out of the bags. Though Eleanor had forgotten about her coffee and when she found it on the side after it had gone cold she felt her heart break into a million tiny pieces. A waste of good coffee grounds.

Whilst she started making a fresh cup, Nat announced that she would quickly put the box in the car that Mason had brought from Budapest, ready to throw out when they next went into town, not wanting to leave it by the door as it was clutter, along with a bag and some boots each that she wanted to keep in the car in case they needed them whilst they were out.


The kitchen was a mess. Everything had been unpacked but they couldn't decide on how to organise the equipment and utensils in the teeny cupboards, so just left everything out on the side to deal with the next day. Exhaustion had hit fast when the adrenaline from the travelling had worn off, and so they couldn't be bothered to sort out the storage situation that evening.

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