Chapter 9 - Auntie Nat

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December 2008-

It had been two months since the trio's first pizza and UNO night, and it certainly wasn't the last. The group frequently hung out together and had become a small family. Whenever one went on a mission, they would be a blob of anxiety waiting for them to come home.

The other Agents in SHIELD had warmed up to Natasha over the months after she proved her capabilities and good motives time and time again, working her way up through the ranks in record time. Eleanor couldn't be prouder seeing Nat flourish in this environment, and she genuinely looked happy. What Eleanor didn't know, however, was Nat's happy mood grew tenfold when she was with her.

The two had grown considerably close, they were inseparable aside from when sleeping and on missions. This was of course noticed by Clint, and so he would tease them about it on a daily basis. Eleanor didn't want to make a big deal about it and so just let Clint do his thing. 

The two would deny that anything was going on, but it had reached a point where it was painful to deny it now, as they didn't really want to be denying it.

It wasn't a sudden moment where the two started developing more than platonic feelings towards one another, it had been very gradual which was confusing for the pair, as they couldn't properly figure out if it was their friendship growing or if it was something else. 

Eleanor couldn't deny that Natasha was stunning. Eyes turned when she walked into a room. She admired her intelligence and strength, and how her aura exuded confidence, it was intimidating in the best way possible. She felt comfortable around her, there was never any judgement, never a dull moment. She loved how Nat would get protective of her in new situations, even if she was nervous as well, and how their sense of humour clicked together.

Natasha couldn't get enough of Eleanor, she was her safe space, she needed her just as much as she needed the oxygen she breathes. Effortlessly pretty, goofy, hardworking. The way she was socially anxious but if Nat needed help in a social situation she wouldn't hesitate to jump in and handle it for her. The way she can light up a room with her laugh, the way she is convinced she can cook, but can really only throw chicken nuggets in the oven. She had never come across someone like her before, she was intrigued. 

On paper, it should have been obvious, but the two were confused and oblivious to the fact that the other had feelings for them. As much as Clint loved teasing them about it, he was also extremely frustrated that they hadn't realised. He kept putting them in situations together hoping it would work, there have even been multiple times he made group plans and then dropped out last minute so that the two were alone together outside of HQ. So far, it had not been working. 

This had led to some great days out for the pair however, they had gone bowling, gone to the cinema then snuck into another screen after their movie had finished, breathtaking hikes. Eleanor loved taking photos and selfies to remember all of these occasions, Nat acted as though she hated it but at the end of the day, she would always get Eleanor to send her the photos. She liked to look at them when she was feeling down, to remind her she wasn't alone. 

Christmas was just around the corner, and it would be Nat's first time getting to properly experience and celebrate the holiday season. The group were going to spend the holiday on Clint's farm with Laura and their two young children. Clint and Eleanor were very excited to celebrate the holidays, and she was excited to finally see Clint's family again. She had met them once about six months ago and sometimes intruded on Clint's video calls to them if they asked for her. 

Natasha however, was extremely anxious about it. She was worried that she might ruin the festivities by potentially not enjoying it, or looking weird for not knowing what to do. Meeting Clint's family was also nerve-wracking, especially with young kids there. Kids can be brutal and she had never really interacted with them before as an adult.

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