Chapter 103 - Family Now

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"Yelena!", Eleanor jogged after her sister-in-law who had moved very far away from the shop in a very short space of time. Clearly, her want to get away was strong. She continued to jog after her after being ignored for the nth time that day, half wondering why she was still bothering, and eventually got within a few steps of the speed walker who could give Olympians a run for their money.


The blonde turned with so much force that Eleanor almost thought that the momentum could knock her over too, but for the most part, all that she could think about was the cold stare the woman in front was giving her, followed by words laced with venom, "What do you want Hughes", Yelena reiterated her old name, almost as though trying to prove some sort of point that Eleanor couldn't put her finger on.

She almost shrunk under Yelena's harsh gaze, it was incredibly unnerving, but instead with all of the exhaustion from the last few days catching up to her - with the travel to Norway, the train ride to Budapest, the countless attacks, and now this - she was about ready to snap.

"What is your problem with me? I just came out here to see if you were okay-", Eleanor stood up straighter and crossed her arms trying to outstare Yelena who tilted her head slightly, accepting the challenge.

"I am fine, and I do not have a problem with you, you just aren't worth my time", she spat back and tried to turn away, but Eleanor reached out and had a death grip on the blonde's elbow.

Eleanor to almost everyone is a calm person, one to avoid confrontation, but if placed in the middle of it will usually try and use wit and sarcasm to get through, so that the tension doesn't bubble over the edge and cause a scene. But she hadn't felt this frustrated in years, it was as though her mind was going at a hundred miles per hour, but her exhausted body was lagging behind. It was infuriating, and she did not know what she had done to make Yelena hate her so much to the point of insulting her.

"And what the hell is that supposed to mean", her voice came out smooth. The voice of someone taking control of the situation.

"It means that I am not interested in getting to know you, and not interested in talking to you or becoming your friend", she tore her arm away from Eleanor and took a step back as she shook her head, "None of this is supposed to be happening", she muttered under her breath, making Eleanor pause in her feeling of complete dejection.

"What do you mean?", she breathed out.

Yelena looked at her with narrowed eyes as she again shook her head, contemplating getting everything out in the open or letting it all fester again. Ultimately, she chose the former. "You weren't supposed to be in the picture". Eleanor was about to ask more questions, in Yelena's newfound silence, but it only prompted her to continue, "I'm not done. You have gotten so much time with her, and I got nothing. The way she talks about her time with you... they were the best years of her life. Mine were with her, but hers are with you".

Eleanor's features softened as she took Yelena's words in. It wasn't that she hated Eleanor, she just hated the idea of her. She had finally gotten her sister back and had just re-entered the world as a free person again, and suddenly someone else was in the frame. It would be an adjustment.

Guilt surged up Eleanor's throat. Yelena sounded heartbroken. "Yelena, I-".

"Don't", Yelena once again interrupted, but Eleanor was determined as always.

Pursing her lips she took a step forward, "No, I am so sorry about everything, Yelena. Truly I am. Natasha told me almost everything and I just, I am so sorry, okay?". She didn't get a response other than Yelena clenching her jaw, but it was better than the passive aggressiveness and storming off, so it was a win so far. "I know that I have had so much time with her, and it's not fair it really isn't, she's your sister you should have been able to have all the time in the world with her. And yes, some of her best years are whilst we've been together, but you haven't heard the way she talks about Ohio.

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