Chapter 36 - Captain Collection

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Eleanor and Natasha were fully settled into the life that they had been living. It had been two years since the Battle of New York and so the memories didn't haunt as much as they once had, although sometimes their minds would throw the occasional curveball their way.

They had been working with Steve and the STRIKE team occasionally still when Fury felt as though their skills in being able to handle things more delicately were needed, brute force didn't always work.

Life had been pretty mundane recently, not that it was a bad thing, just that there weren't any shocking surprises that they had to live through. It was nice, it was everything that Natasha had wanted since she was young, and it was right in the palm of her hand. 

She never took it for granted. She thanked her lucky stars every time she woke up in the morning and realised that she was still holding Eleanor, it was something that she could never get bored of. 

Natasha showed her gratitude for everything in lots of different ways. Eleanor's personal favourite was how she would leave little notes around the apartment for her to find. Nat didn't know this but Eleanor kept all of them in a box under their bed, she couldn't throw them away, but she couldn't leave them out either or their apartment would be covered, so in the box they went. 

Eleanor showed her love through food a lot, she went to cooking classes as she wanted to be able to make lots of delicious food and baked goods for Nat as they were often tired when coming back from work. She was honestly pretty good now, and Natasha wasn't complaining at all, having tasty homecooked meals every day was a blessing, and she got to have the leftovers for lunch at work, a win all around.

Their alarm went off at 5 am as it did every workday, Eleanor would rather not have it set at this time but Natasha insisted on it. Eleanor could easily rush around and get ready to leave the house at 6:45 am by waking up at 6, but Nat said that she liked calmer mornings where they could sit together and have a cup of coffee before work. Hearing just how much Nat treasured those moments with her, she couldn't turn her down.

So, this is how she got herself into the situation of throwing a pillow over her own face and screaming into it when their alarm started making that godforsaken blaring sound.

"Stop being dramatic and get that butt out of bed", Nat laughed as she walked into the en suite. Eleanor didn't understand how she could just get out of bed as soon as the alarm went off, when waking up at 5 am she needed at least half an hour to comprehend that she was awake.

After Nat had finished in the bathroom and straightened her hair, something that she did almost every day now, she saw that Eleanor had still not gotten up. So she did the most obvious thing to do in that situation, she ran to the bed full speed and body-slammed her in a starfish position.

Eleanor grunted as the air was knocked out of her lungs, "Do you mind", she whined before getting dragged out of bed and pushed towards the bathroom.

"Nope, I'll go make us some coffee". Eleanor smiled at the prospect of coffee, and so did as she was told and hopped in the shower, outlining a plan for the day in her head.

She had a meeting to start off the day, not fun, that began at 8, so she had about an hour at her desk before that, which would be a good time to de-clutter her desk as recently it looked like a hurricane had turned its attention to it. After the meeting, she needed to go over some mission reports and get them handed in, which would take her to lunchtime, and then-

Her inner monologue was cut off by Natasha bursting into the bathroom, it wasn't like Nat had never seen Eleanor like this before, but the younger woman jumped out of her skin and felt the need to hide herself with the shower curtain.

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