Chapter 121 - Wakanda

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"Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0", Steve walked to the front of the jet, resting his hand on one of the front handrails, his other resting on his hip. His head dipped slightly, looking out of the window blessed with a sunset, giving Sam directions for how to get to Wakanda, a place none of them had been before, other than Steve. Eleanor wasn't even sure it was possible to get in without a Wakandan with you, that's how locked down the place was. A well-hidden location, that Steve had access to. Steve told them where it was hidden. That they'd have to head toward what looked to be land, and just fly through it. Eleanor wasn't particularly looking forward to the innate fear of dying that seeing the jet plummet towards seemingly solid land would create.

Sam manoeuvred to where Steve was directing, "I hope you're right about this. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to". The situation was getting more nerve-wracking by the minute for those who hadn't completed the trip before. The logical part of their brains were telling them to trust Steve, he hadn't died whenever he had come here, but the "I want to live and not die in a fiery inferno" part of their brains was pinging away to not let the jet go crash landing. Though Eleanor was sure that she was the one worrying the most. Wanda was just rubbing Vision's arm, her eyes darting to the window every few seconds, and Natasha was being Natasha. Her gaze was just calmly locked on the front window, but her hand was tightly locked with Eleanor's.

As they approached, Eleanor couldn't help but wince, her nose crinkling at the top, but they didn't die. As soon as they hit the landscape it buffered with blue-outlined hexagonal shapes before they passed through the barrier.

It was breathtaking. In front of them was a giant lake, cocooned with mountainous edges that the sun hit, cascading down the tree tops. The city in front of them was huge. It reminded her of New York in a way, with all the tall buildings, but this made New York look primitive in comparison. Eleanor's jaw was agape, making her look like a drooling child. She had heard rumours of Wakanda being one of the most beautiful places on Earth, but nothing could prepare you for it.

Natasha chuckled as she looked at her wife next to her, she was completely enamoured by it too, but her reaction was more internal. She squeezed Eleanor's hand slightly, "Good views, huh?".

"Yeah... Jesus, puts everywhere else to shame".

Natasha simply nodded as they watched the rest of the views whilst approaching a central helipad in the city. "I'm kinda nervous", Eleanor stood when they landed and brushed her suit down. Natasha frowned, "How come?", she stood and also got in line with the Avengers.

"Well, he's the one who nearly broke my back". Natasha's eyes widened. Right. The airport. The Black Panther kicking Eleanor into oblivion, temporarily paralysis. Though Natasha was sure everything would be fine. It was all water under the bridge when it came to intergalactic emergencies.

The hatch opened, revealing the King of Wakanda and the Dora Milaje standing by his side, their trusty spears looking ever so friendly. Steve and Natasha walked out first, the more intimidating-looking ones of the group. Wanda is pretty intimidating too but right now she's holding up her dying robot boyfriend so not so much currently.

Eleanor walked out with Bruce and Rhodey, Bruce shrugging on a jacket as they walked. "Should we bow?", Bruce asked in hushed tones. Rhodey replied in a very serious voice, "Yeah, he's a King". Eleanor's face showed a stifled laugh very briefly, her lips tugging up for all of 0.1 seconds before her face fell flat again. She knew from the meeting in Vienna that the Wakandan Kings don't have customs such as bowing in these kinds of meetings. She wasn't about to tell Bruce that though. Rhodey's trick would be funny.

"Seems like I'm always thanking you for something", Steve said as the group stood still, shaking T'Challa's hand. Bruce then cleared his throat and bowed, Eleanor again having to stifle a laugh, pursing her lips as Rhodey acted all confused, "What are you doing?". She kind of felt bad for Bruce, but it was rather funny. Everyone stopped to look over to the small trio, Eleanor clasping her hands in front of her to appear innocent in this.

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