Chapter 100 - Dumpster Diving

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The explosion sounded through the house as the noise ricocheted off of the walls, Eleanor briefly saw Yelena snatching the red vials off of the table, but she didn't have time to be in relief about that, as she started pushing Natasha forward and away from the danger that awaited them. Natasha went ahead at the push and dragged Eleanor with her, turning the corner and quickly pressing their backs against the wall, decreasing the chances of someone spotting them, though not by much.

Dust blew around them as the air showed just how unused the apartment really was. All that could be heard after it had settled down were their breaths, chests going up and down in a controlled manner to remain as quiet as possible. Eleanor's body was tense, ready for the fight to come, but her anxieties were eased slightly when Nat, who was facing away from Eleanor, linked their pinkies and squeezed them together for a moment, unlinking them when the sound of the front door being slammed open could be heard.

The two women flinched, people were most certainly in the apartment now, there was no doubt about that, so they needed to move, staying would mean death. They carried on through to the bedroom, stopping when they reached the open doors to the living room, once again pressing their backs on the surface behind them. She couldn't see as much as Nat, but the laser pointers from guns could definitely be seen, the red hue glowing through the dusty air was a dead giveaway.

Cogs began to whir in Eleanor's head, concocting a plan of action, whilst they were being hunted down. Natasha turned to face her, her face set in thought too as she tried to communicate with her wife via her eyes, but before Eleanor could figure out the meaning multiple shots were fired on the other side of the house. Yelena.

Their eyes widened as they turned around, walking with purpose to reach Yelena, they were on full alert in order to avoid being shot, so much so that when someone turned the corner, Natasha immediately grabbed them by the shoulders and slammed them into the wall, causing them to grunt out in pain. Eleanor recognised the mysterious person to be Yelena, and so did her sister, her grip easing just as Yelena flipped a switch that overloaded the fuses, electricity sparking around the house as the lights blew up one by one.

The sound was incredibly loud, and Eleanor cringed at the sound of glass shattering over and over, "We need to g-", she started telling the two in front of her, but was swiftly tackled to the floor, one of the assailants sprinting up to her as she was the straggler at the edge of the group, wrapping their legs around Eleanor's neck and throwing her to the floor, a suspiciously familiar attack.

She groaned when she hit the hardwood floors, her shoulder not appreciating the assault, and swiftly heard more fighting when Yelena and Natasha joined in as more attackers made an appearance. Eleanor promptly jumped up, elbowing someone in the throat, and then sending a brutal kick to someone's abdomen.

After everyone seemed to be down Yelena tapped Eleanor's elbow as she moved past her, prompting her to follow. A small smile tugged at her lips as she followed the blonde, her wife hot on her tail, maybe there was a chance that she didn't have a problem with her, though she quickly focused solely on getting out, as this wasn't the time nor place.

They swiftly ran to the front hallway that opened up onto the balcony, Eleanor and Yelena stood inside as Natasha peeked her head out to get a lay of the land, but quickly moved back in when bullets flew at her in quick succession. The other two ducked two as the stray bullets flew inside, and then had to duck facing the other way as more bullets came at them from the stairwell. "Fuck, fuck, fuck", Eleanor muttered as she stood back up straight, firmly pressing herself against the wall.

"Agreed", Yelena mumbled and took a grenade out of her bag, throwing it down the stairwell before taking off up the stairs, Eleanor and Natasha quickly following. "Where are we trying to get?", Natasha shouted from the back of the group as they went up the circular staircase and onto the curved hallway with a wall made of windows, not ideal when having bullets with your name on them.

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