Chapter 28 - Unleash The Hulk

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Eleanor's heart stopped slightly when she saw the look that Bruce gave the group, a slight look of fear flashing across his features. She didn't have much time to think about it though or get an explanation. Seconds later they were all thrown in different directions due to an explosion that was incredibly close to the lab.

The rest of the group managed to be flung somewhere inside of the lab, however, Bruce was standing near a glass wall that looked over another part of the helicarrier, and so Nat and Eleanor stood by it as well. They were sent flying through it, the glass easily smashing, and crashed harshly onto the floor below. 

A very heavy piece of metal framing landed on Natasha's ankle, rendering her unable to move, and it was very painful. Eleanor had landed a few feet away from Natasha and Bruce, receiving another large blow to the head as instead of landing on her side as she had hoped for, she smashed into the ground on her back, her head slamming back onto the metal floor. Her skull was now pounding an excruciating amount as it wasn't that long ago that those rocks had decided to land on her. 

Nat started to desperately try and free her leg, whilst Eleanor was trying to stop her vision from being completely blurred. She tried to sit up but a wave of nausea washed over her, so she dropped to the floor again, groaning in pain.

"We're okay", Nat said into her earpiece, looking between Bruce and Eleanor who did not seem okay. Bruce looked as though he was going to Hulk out, which would not be ideal at all.

"We're okay, right?", Nat said to the room.

When Banner started groaning out in pain and anger, it seemingly snapped Eleanor back into action due to the sudden adrenaline. She managed to sit and analysed the situation through squinted eyes as her vision slowly came back. After seeing that Nat was trapped she slowly moved forward towards her to try and free her girlfriend.

"Doctor?", Nat whispered. The two women were currently terrified, "Bruce, you gotta fight it. This is just what Loki wants".

Eleanor moved closer to Nat's leg and started trying to lift the metal framing, but it was heavy and so she was struggling. Panic was running through Eleanor's veins.

"We're gonna be okay, listen to me".

"This thing isn't budging", Eleanor whispered. Nat turned to look at her with desperation on her face and started trying to wiggle her leg out, whilst Eleanor was still lifting.

After only a couple of seconds, some engineers came running through and shouted to them, "Are you hurt?". The sentiment was nice but they needed to be very delicate right now, so this was not the time.

Nat shooed them away with her hand and turned back to Bruce, "We're going to be okay. Alright? I swear on my life, I will get you out of this. You will walk away and never ever-".

"Your life?", Bruce shouted at her, but it didn't sound like Bruce anymore. His body suddenly shot up and he started convulsing slightly, his body turning green. He then fell onto a lower level as his transformation continued. Eleanor and Nat looked at him in pure terror.

"Fuck fuck fuck", Eleanor said louder this time, trying to gather the strength to lift the frame, it seemed that the profanities worked as the frame moved slightly, but not enough for Nat to get her leg out.

The pair froze when the Hulk looked at them and started roaring, "I'll distract, you try get your leg out", Eleanor half-shouted before taking off at a sprint towards the stairs, yelling for 'Bruce' to follow. This was terrifying, he looked at her as though he wanted to murder her. Which he probably did.

Nat thought that she was absolutely crazy and wanted to shout at her not to do that, but her leg was trapped so it wasn't like she could yell out towards her or Nat might as well be dead now. She could only watch helplessly as her girlfriend ran off, being chased by something that could probably kill her with one punch.

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