Chapter 74 - Soaring Sokovia

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Natasha winced as she moved around the corner to get out of the blast range of the random weapon that Eleanor had collected on her way there. She trusted her aim, she would most definitely hit the lock, but neither of them knew what kind of blast radius that weapon had. HYDRA weapons were notorious for getting more bang for your buck, packing the tiniest of weapons with the largest of casualties. 

So, whilst Eleanor pointed the unknown blaster at the locked door, their faces scrunched slightly in anticipation before the shot was taken. Luckily, it did only blow up the lock, and not the entire cell and everyone nearby. So far so good.

As Eleanor went to carefully place the blaster down so as to not set it off and shoot someone in the face, Nat and Bruce worked on moving the heavy cell bars back into the wall as it wasn't a door that swung open. 

Nat walked out, happy to have regained her freedom, but within seconds was engulfed by an orange blur as Eleanor smashed her body into Natasha's and gripped onto her with the strength of a God. When Nat regained her balance, she snaked her arms around so that one hand was on Eleanor's lower back and one hooked onto her shoulder in order to pull her as close as she could as well. 

"Are you okay?", Eleanor frantically rushed out to her wife. In their peripherals they spotted Bruce walking around the corner, things were still awkward with him. 

Natasha nodded and placed a lingering kiss on Eleanor's hair, "Yeah, I knew you'd come and get me", she smiled as Eleanor pulled away whilst they kept ahold of each other's waists. 

Eleanor grinned back and tilted her head, "You did?". Both women knew that they would go to the ends of the Earth to find each other again when separated, but it was hard for Eleanor to believe that Natasha had zero doubts whilst she was stuck in that cell. 

"Yeah, because I know you've always got me". Eleanor searched Nat's eyes before she grabbed her collar and pulled her in to connect their lips, and despite the roughness of the initiation, it was anything but that. As they interlocked perfectly their movements were slow and delicate, yet full of need, showing just how scared the two had really been even though they were trying not to show it.

It came to a stop when Natasha couldn't help but begin smiling against Eleanor, causing the younger woman to laugh and remember their other reason for being in Sokovia, "Come on, we got a job to finish". 

Hand in hand they swiftly began walking over to the bottom of the steps where Bruce was waiting for them so that they could all high-tail it out of there. As they ascended the rickety steps with no support, Natasha could feel Eleanor's body tense up as they got higher, so she squeezed her hand three times. 'I Love You'.

Immediately Eleanor began to relax, Nat wouldn't let her fall. It was all just an irrational fear, and soon enough they reached the top of the steps and made their way through the base to the outside world.

As soon as they looked forward into the forest, Natasha and Eleanor both felt a sense of urgency. Ultron would unleash his plan soon and they needed all hands on deck, so they let go of each other to ready themselves for a sprint back to the city, but Bruce standing awkwardly behind them stopped them in their tracks.

"Are we not going?", Natasha turned to him with her brows furrowed slightly. 

"I can't fight where there might be civilians, it's too risky", Bruce looked down at the floor ashamedly. Eleanor and Natasha understood where he was coming from, but they truly needed all hands on deck for this threat, it wasn't just fighting off a guy with too many guns, it was fighting a guy with all of the guns.

Nat looked like she was about to say something else, but was interrupted by the city a few miles away starting to rise into the air, shaking the ground around them, debris pelting to the floor where they stood. With eyes bulging in horror they all took many steps back to get as far away from the border as possible as they watched the land in front of them get higher and higher with every passing second. They knew that Ultron had many tricks up his metal sleeves, but causing a part of the Earth to separate from the rest of the globe was not on their 'Ultron Apocalypse Bingo' cards. 

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