Chapter 7 - Budapest

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Sitting in a car outside of an old warehouse late at night, Eleanor sat waiting for her and the team to be able to make the arrests. Fury was right, this had been easy; the people in the ring had not been subtle. At all. She was sitting with two other Agents, the other two were in a car across the street. All of her focus was on the task at hand, they could not afford for this to go wrong or it was just a lot more work for all of them. That would be effort. 

"Targets are on their way, prepare to engage", she heard through her earpiece. This was it, they just had to do this, then she could go home. 2 weeks was too long, she just wanted to be back with Nat and Clint. Her hand was hovering over the door handle, waiting to see the targets exit the warehouse, they needed to be able to apprehend them quickly, ensuring there wouldn't be an escapee. Again, that would be a lot of effort re-tracking them down. 

As soon as the doors to the warehouse opened, all of the SHIELD Agents leapt into action. There were 7 targets they needed to take down. She was hoping that this would go smoothly, but the targets immediately became hostile when they spotted them.

One ran at her, aiming a kick to her stomach, to which she blocked and used his momentum to push him backwards, one swift blow to the head and he was knocked out. She could see that a few more targets had also been detained, or were passed out on the floor. The team were doing a good job. 

Not having long to regain composure, one grabbed her from behind, putting her in a headlock, and pointed a gun at her head. This wasn't ideal.
"What are you gonna do now?", he seethed, she tried to remain calm and think of a way out of this, they didn't seem to value human life so if anything pissed him off he would likely just shoot, so it had to be sudden and quick.

This situation caught the attention of some other SHIELD Agents who looked over with concern, one began making her way over to help her, causing her to panic slightly, this might cause him to get even more aggressive if people intervene. So without a second thought, Eleanor jumped into the air pushing him back slightly and then lurched forward with power and planted her feet firmly on the ground, throwing him over her head. He landed with a hard thud. 

The Agent who came to help quickly put him in handcuffs, whilst Eleanor did the same to the guy she had knocked out earlier. Looking around, she could see that all of the targets were immobilised, and they started loading them into the holding van that the other Agents had driven in. 

She smiled to herself, the mission had been a success, albeit it had a few bumps in the road. But they could now go home. Getting back into the car, she drove her and the two Agents she had arrived with to the agreed-upon extraction point, where she could see the jet waiting for them. 


Walking out of the jet and into the hangar, she saw Maria waiting for her. She ran into her arms, Maria hugged her tightly, she had missed the younger Agent during her absence and had become especially concerned when learning she was briefly held at gunpoint.
They pulled away from the hug and grinned at each other. Eleanor was very happy to see her, Maria always felt like home. 
"Good job", Maria told her, still smiling. 
"Thank you", Eleanor had now started looking behind Maria, Clint usually also greeted her after missions, and vice versa. 

Maria gave a sympathetic smile, "Him and Romanoff are in Budapest, the mission that finalised her joining".
"Oh... right. When do they get back?", she was a bit disappointed as she had been looking forward to seeing them again, and now she would have to wait even longer. 

"Not long, they left about a day after you did, they should be back tomorrow evening", she patted Eleanor on the shoulder, "Buuuut in the meantime... Pizza and movies?" she said smirking.
"Oh hell yeah!", the two women started swiftly walking to their residential block, getting into cosy clothing and inhaling their pizza. They started the night off watching "Hot Fuzz", and then did the usual Friends marathon. 

The Younger Agent - Natasha Romanoff x OCWhere stories live. Discover now