Chapter 65 - The Good Ol' Fashioned Way

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Eleanor honestly thought that she was in Hell. After being tired already from having her social battery drained during the party, and then having to have a small but unexpected fight, the last thing that she or any of them needed was an all-nighter of work.

A hefty portion of the night for Natasha and Eleanor had been spent on the computers trying to find any way to get any of the data back that had been stolen from them. But it had proved to be no use. The only things they had left were useless things to do with the Tower, like floorplans and electrical bills. In the background pulled up a facial recognition matching system to try and track down any high-end HYDRA operatives from the Sokovia base when it had been found that Ultron's physical 'soul' had ended up in another metal body in Sokovia. 

Tony and Bruce were trying to find any way at all to regain control of Ultron, which was also failing. Maria, Rhodey, Clint and Steve were doing research into where Ultron was now and also contacting the appropriate authorities surrounding the issue of potential nuclear war.

After seeing everyone looking like they were on death's door from exhaustion as they worked all the way through to mid-morning, Steve had the grand idea of working in shifts until the evening, which was only a few hours away. Each group of two would be able to go and sleep for two hours and then relieve another pair of their duties for a quick nap.

First went Bruce and Clint, then Eleanor and Natasha, Thor and Tony, and finally Maria and Steve. Though apparently, Maria had not been napping during her designated nap time, as on the way back to the area of work she had been giving Steve some updated information on Ultron's whereabouts. Useful information, but information that came at the cost of her rest. So Eleanor would be sure to launch a cushion at her face later and tell her to sleep. 

Maria's information showed that Ultron had got into the databases of robotics labs, weapons facilities, jet propulsion labs, and anything else that might aid in killing them. 

Not only had he digitally entered these places, but there had been reports of metal men entering some of these facilities and clearing the places out. Clearly, Ultron was having a field day with the Iron Legion group. 

There hadn't been many fatalities, only when they engages with the bots, but people from the labs had been complaining about seeing their worst fears and something that was too fast to see. This suggested that the two enhanced individuals from Sokovia, now known as the Maximoff twins, Wanda and Pietro, were now working with Ultron. Which was not good in the slightest, enhanced beings with a bot with no boundaries is a recipe for disaster. 

Steve then pulled out a tablet that Maria had given to him and handed it over to the person closest to him, which happened to be Thor. "What's this?", Stark asked as he moved to stand beside Thor to get a look.

Eleanor and Natasha both turned to see what was happening, but would have to wait their turn to be able to peek at what was on the screen. 

"A message. Ultron killed Strucker", Steve answered whilst Thor slammed the tablet against Stark's chest, still holding an angry grudge for the Sceptre being lost. Eleanor frowned, so far the only fatalities that were had was when someone provoked the Iron Legion, so why did Ultron go out of his way to kill Strucker? Natasha was also clearly in shock as she moved her head back and forth subtly between the side of the tablet and at Steve.

"And he did a Banksy at the crime scene, just for us". The tablet was lowered so that the two could get a look. When she could see, Eleanor felt her stomach drop. There was Strucker's body and a splat of blood on the wall near his head, but next to that was the word "PEACE" written in the man's blood.

She sighed and muttered, "Brutal". She was struggling to think why Ultron would feel the need to send that when the bot had already made it clear that 'peace in our time' was the goal.

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