Chapter 68 - Mini Spies

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The two women were completely zoned out whilst waiting for Stark and Banner to return. Clint watched as they clung to each other as if the world would end if one of them let go. It was an upsetting thing to see, witnessing his two friends, the most mentally strong people he knew, be reduced to trembling figures. Wanda really did a number on them.

Eleanor had her eyes closed with her face tucked into the crook of Nat's neck, and Nat had laid her cheek on the crown of Eleanor's head. The two fit together like matching puzzle pieces. 

Even though they were both still distraught from their minds being plagued with terrors, in each other's embrace they could feel themselves being drawn back into reality. Slowly. Excruciatingly slowly. 

Though it took a while, Eleanor's mind eventually came around to the fact that she was actually back in the jet, and was clutching onto Natasha. At the new information that she had accepted, her grip on Nat increased as she somehow shuffled closer, never wanting to let go. 

The shifting movement triggered something in Natasha, it dragged her out of her own head and grounded her back into the current reality. Her eyes widened as though she had just woken up from a bad dream and she inhaled a deep, shaky breath.

Sensing Natasha's panic, Eleanor lifted her head off of Nat's collarbone to look at her. She had a frown planted on her face due to the lack of contact, though that soon disappeared meaning that her face was portraying no emotion. 

Her eyes told a different story. They were the window into a person's soul. In amongst the green, Eleanor could see the pain, the remorse, and the agonising grief. She felt tears threaten to spill when gazing at her wife. It felt like she was looking at a ghost, the pain of losing Natasha had felt so real, and so raw, that it truly felt as though she would slip from her grasp again. 

Knowing that her voice would fail her, she sent Nat a soft smile that spoke a thousand words. That she loved her, that she would never let her go, that they would be okay. 

"I love you", Nat murmured with a broken voice as she began nodding weakly yet frantically. 

"I love you too", Eleanor whispered back after placing her forehead on Natasha's shoulder, wanting to bring their bodies back together again. 

"They can't get you", Nat mumbled to herself whilst accepting the warm embrace from Eleanor again, rubbing small circles between her shoulder blades. Eleanor suspected that those words were to reassure Natasha, but they brought some comfort to her as well regardless. They were safe and they were together. 

"I'm not going anywhere", Eleanor shook her head and felt Nat's body tense against her, undoubtedly holding in a sob. Now that their minds were back in the room they were aware that there were other people in the jet as well. Nat already looked vulnerable enough, there was no way that she was going to let tears fall in front of them. 

The other Avengers in the jet, other than Clint, were not focused on them though. They were all coming to terms with their own demons as well, but Natasha was still too paranoid to risk it. Eleanor on the other hand, let a few silent sobs wrack through her body, which broke her wife's heart. 

Her soft cries subsided after a few minutes due to Nat softly drawing shapes on her arm with the pads of her fingers, it was comforting. Now all that remained was a pounding headache that really didn't help the mood. 

"Sorry", she mumbled, feeling bad for having a small outburst when Nat needed comfort too.

"No, don't apologise", Nat pleaded in return. Once again they found each other's gazes and nodded in reassurance. The mood on the jet had shifted into a sombre, yet peaceful aura. People were coming to terms with what had happened and were now left feeling like hollowed shells. 

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