Chapter 44 - A Blast From The Past

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The trio slowly made their way over to the elevator. Natasha pulled out that same device that could seemingly do everything and scanned the buttons for the passcode to get into the elevator. It only took a few seconds to pick up on which buttons were used the most and organised it into the exact passcode. It was impressive tech that it gave the code instead of a few variations that they had to test. Eleanor wasn't quite sure how it worked to do that. 

Nat typed in the code and a green light flashed along with a beep, and the doors opened. There was a nice amount of light in there that Eleanor was appreciative of, and it was quite spacious. It was well rated on the list of elevators that she's been on. 

When the doors reopened after the short ride, they were greeted with yet another almost pitch-black room, making Eleanor internally groan, though it wasn't surprising. They were underground. They all looked around cautiously, usually, people don't like it when others access their super-secret underground room, so who knew what was around or whether it would alert people of their presence. 

The three walked forward slowly, and the room only got darker when the elevator doors shut, sending a chill down Eleanor's spine. In front of them seemed to be some sort of tech, judging by the lit-up coloured dots ahead, but they couldn't really make out what was around. As they neared it they must have crossed some sensors, as the room slowly lit up. It was a bright white type of light so Eleanor had to squint before adjusting to it. 

She had been correct, there was technology, but it was incredibly old, she couldn't help but look forward with interest. Even though they were on a mission of sorts, she loved looking at things like this, old tech, rooms from the past, older versions of equipment, so she was enjoying looking around the place, even if it did give her the creeps. 

Eleanor moved to look around some of the machines to the side, whereas Nat and Steve stood on the spot in the centre, looking confused, "This can't be the data point. This technology is ancient", Nat told the small group. 

Eleanor turned to face her and saw that she looked slightly amused at the thought of this being the data point. Eleanor smiled a little as well, it was funny to imagine someone booting up the software needed on these old machines. But both of their faces soon turned to confusion when they noticed a small black box sitting on the desk. Eleanor walked over and noticed that the dust around it had recently been disturbed too. 

The little black box was a port of some kind for hard drives, so it was certainly out of place in this room. Nat took out the SHIELD drive from her pocket and looked at it in thought, plugging git in would alert people of their whereabouts, but they needed more information on the file, and this was probably the only place that they would get it. 

So, she plugged it in. Eleanor braced herself for something to happen, but still jumped a little bit when all of the rows and rows of old computers in the giant room started whirring all at once. This definitely didn't seem right. 

She jumped again even harder when a robotic voice spoke at them, and green text appeared on one of the screens in front. "Initiate system?".

Nat moved forward to type "Y-E-S spells yes", she spoke as she typed 'YES'. The system then started booting up, Nat smirked slightly but Eleanor was now filled with dread. This didn't sit right with her at all, so she moved to the right-hand side of Nat to see if there was anything else on the desk, but there didn't seem to be.

"Shall we play a game", Nat joked, making Eleanor break out into a smile even though she felt like the room was just going to burst into flames at any given moment. "It was from a movie that was really-", she turned to Steve.

"I know, I saw it". 

Nat looked slightly dejected but turned back to the computer. Green lines started appearing on the screen, but the lines weren't steady and kept flickering, but it seemed to be making the face of someone, and there was a camera above it that moved. Eleanor's face scrunched in confusion, and she turned to see that Nat's face was blank with misunderstanding, but she was glad that she wasn't the only one completely not in the know. 

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