Chapter 45 - Flying Spoons

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It took a further three hours to get back to D.C. Steve drove the entire way again, mostly because the two women in the back were in no fit state to drive. They had quickly fallen asleep whilst in the backseat, so Steve drove extra carefully to try and make sure that they stayed asleep, it was a good opportunity to rest, and like always they weren't sure when the next time that they'd be able to sleep would be. 

They had fallen asleep in the comfort of being squished against each other, Nat was leaning completely over Eleanor, her head was laying on the younger woman's chest and she had an arm and a leg draped over her too. Eleanor was being kept in a stable position by her face being pushed against the window. Steve wasn't quite sure how she hadn't slipped at least slightly with Nat being completely draped over her, but he didn't question it too much. 

He did eventually need to wake them up though when he had arrived outside of a friend's house. Getting out of the car, he gently closed the door so that it wouldn't scare them awake, and walked around to the back door that Eleanor and Natasha's weights weren't being held up by. He didn't really fancy being the cause of them toppling out of the car and into the road.

"Nat. El", he said with a soothing voice whilst leaning over to reach them. He gently rubbed Nat's shoulder and then Eleanor's knee. Natasha woke up gently and carefully sat up to stretch. It took a few more shakes of Eleanor by Nat to get her to wake, but her eyes did open, begrudgingly. 

"Where are we?", Nat asked as she lightly rubbed Eleanor's back whilst she stretched herself awake. 

"A friend's place". Nat quirked a brow, that simply wasn't enough information for her liking. "Sam Wilson".

"And you're sure he won't try and blow us up?", Eleanor groggily chimed in. It was a joke, but she also a genuine question.

Steve chuckled slightly but his smile didn't reach his eyes, the gravity of the situation that they were in was just too huge to feel completely lighthearted about this. "No, no he won't".

They reluctantly followed Steve, looking around to see if anyone was watching them as they neared the house. It was quaint, it looked homely. Most importantly, it looked peaceful, and Eleanor felt guilty that they were about to punt that peacefulness into a fiery inferno.

Steve knocked on the door as Nat and Eleanor focused on holding each other up, still feeling pretty fragile. Natasha had an iron grip on Eleanor's waist to try and keep her girlfriend upright, the younger woman would have complained if it were not for the fact that she would like to be standing and not stumbling around on the front porch. 

When Sam opened the door he looked confused, and so looked to Steve for answers, "Hey, man".

"I'm sorry about this, we need a place to lay low".

"Everyone we know is trying to kill us", Nat added on to make sure he knew just how desperate they were. It was a harsh reality hearing Nat say that out loud, they really weren't safe. But Eleanor hoped that it wasn't everyone they knew that would attempt to end their lives, hopefully, Maria was still batting on their team. That would be a stab to the heart if she wasn't. 

Sam looked between the three of them and saw just how beat up they looked, then briefly looked past them to see if anyone nearby was watching as well. They were all rightfully paranoid. "Not everyone", he reassured as he opened the door more to let them in. Eleanor shot a small smile at him, but it went unnoticed as he was still looking outside before closing the door and the blinds. 

They immediately took the painkillers that Sam had offered them and then decided that they should probably get washed up, they were all covered in ash and Nat and Eleanor's hair had certainly seen better days. Eleanor's hair had been in that same braid that Nat did for her before the mission on the boat, she slept in it as she didn't feel the need to do her hair until the next morning, but they were woken up due to Fury's death, and then immediately got thrown into the hell that they were in now. But half of it wasn't in the braid anymore, and Natasha's hair had gone into frizzball mode. 

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