Chapter 40 - When Tomorrow Comes

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"Hey, Nat?", Eleanor called into the living room from the kitchen. She was in the middle of cooking dinner for the two after they had a little power nap, and the cooking had given her plenty of time to think about the events of the day. The whole thing still didn't sit right with her, and she finally wanted to get Natasha's opinion on it as well, as there had been some radio silence from her when it came to it.

"Yeah?", Nat softly called back as she made her way into the kitchen, humming in delight as she smelt the spices from the curry that Eleanor was preparing. After Eleanor had chuckled at her for sniffing the air like a dog, Nat wrapped her arms around Eleanor's waist from behind and tucked her head into the crook of her neck, "What's up, детка?", it came out all muffled as her mouth was still on Eleanor's shoulder, but the younger woman still understood her. 

"The mission today..." she paused which caused Nat to nod, "Did anything seem off to you?". Nat's head snapped up and she looked at Eleanor's side profile.

"You felt like that too? I thought I was just being paranoid".

Eleanor turned around in Nat's arms and wrapped her arms around her neck whilst Nat still clung onto her waist, "Me too! Glad I'm not going crazy". Nat gave her a pointed look, "Okay, I may be going crazy but not about this I guess".

"Yeah no, something was definitely up, that intel seemed to make Fury nervous". Nat's eyebrows furrowed slightly and she started fiddling with the bottom of Eleanor's shirt, showing that she was a bit more anxious about the situation than she had initially let on.

"And that file? Might as well have been blank aside from the floorplans, it's almost like he didn't want Cap knowing everything before it was too late to turn back, because he specifically asked us to give one of our files over before Rumlow arrived". Nat nodded in agreement. 

"We'll just have to hope that water that intel is and whatever made Fury feel the need to sneak around for it won't cause us too much trouble I suppose". Nat was right, there wasn't much that they could do about it, there was no way that Fury would tell them any more about it, especially since they had already handed the information over, it was completely out of their hands now. 

Eleanor gave Nat's forehead a quick peck before turning back around in her arms to tend to the food. Natasha stayed glued to Eleanor for the rest of the cooking time, enjoying the peace together. They could deal with these thoughts another time, for now, they just wanted to be in the present. 


The peace didn't last long, however. It had just gone midnight, and the pair were snuggled under the sheets, sleeping blissfully. That was until Eleanor's phone began ringing. They jumped up, groaning thinking that they were being called into work again or something.

Eleanor grumbled as she picked up her phone, but her face dropped slightly when she saw that it was Maria, she never contacted her directly this late unless it was something important.

"What's wrong?", Nat asked as she answered the phone, noticing the change in Eleanor's demeanour. 

"Maria? Is everything okay?", she started, so Natasha nodded in understanding and held her breath slightly.

"What?", Eleanor's voice was small, and it cracked as she spoke. Nat's heart dropped into her stomach at hearing this, but she knew that she'd have to wait until Eleanor was off the phone to ask about it. 

"Okay, okay, shit, we're on our way", Eleanor hung up and ran her hands through her hair as a tear slipped. Nat immediately got up and slowly walked towards her, whilst Eleanor started rushing around to get clothes for the two of them.

"El, what's wrong?". 

"Um...", Fury meant a lot to both of them, so she wanted to tell Nat delicately about the situation Maria had called about, but her mind was so clouded that it was hard to think straight.

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