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Two days later

"Good morning."I entered my parent's kitchen

"Afternoon."Dad corrected me smartly

I rolled my eyes."I'm pregnant.I can sleep in."

"You sure can."Mom hugged me

I smiled and stuck my tongue out to my dad.

"I'm actually ready to go back home."I said

"That's good."Mom told me

I nodded and watched as my dad tried to ignore our conversation.

"I really want this wedding to actually happen so work it out."She told me

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to.Not for anyone."Dad interrupted

Mom rolled her eyes at him."Obviously.I want you to do this because it's what you want."

"I know mama."I told her

"Eat something before you go."Dad told me

I nodded.

"I made some breakfast for you baby.Go sit.I'll warm it up."Mom told me

Being pregnant really gets me the princess treatment I deserve.

I went to sit and ate my breakfast while talking to my parents. When I finished, I grabbed my bag from upstairs, hugged them goodbye and started my drive home.

When I got there, it was quiet.

"Aubrey!"I called

"That you Jas?"He came out of our bedroom

"Hi."I smiled

"Hey baby.Come here."He said

I walked up the stairs and he took my bag.

He kissed my head and followed me into our bedroom.

I sighed and climbed into the bed.

"I need a nap."I sighed

"I wanna talk first."He said

"I'm tired."I told him

"Okay, but we're talking when you wake up."He told me

I nodded."Okay."

I patted his spot on the bed and he climbed in with me.

"Not mad at me anymore?"He asked

"No."I said simply closing my eyes

He pecked my lips and held me close as I started to doze off.

I woke up still being cuddled by Aub.

I climbed out if bed to relieve my bladder.When I came back he was awake.

"Feel better?"He asked

I nodded rubbing my belly.

"Come 'ere."He said

I climbed back into bed with him.

I sighed and looked at him.

"I think I might've over reacted a little."I started

"A little?You left for five days."He said

"Don't start with me I'm trying to apologize."I groaned

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