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"...If I proposed, what would you say?"He asked lowly

I looked up from my plate.

"Uh..uhm I.."I stammered

"...I would say yes but we still have a lot to work on."I told him

He nodded.

"Aubrey."I grabbed his hands

He looked up at me.

"I love you.I want to spend the rest of my life with you.I want to have a bunch of babies with you.I promise I do."I assured him

"I know you do baby."He said

I often worried about what happened in that year we had broken up.He seemed so anxious about me leaving all of the time.I wondered what caused his fear but I couldn't bring myself to ask.

He kissed my hands and set them back down.

"How many babies you talking?"He asked

I smiled."I think we should go for the even four.Three more."

His smile grew.

"Three?Yeah.I like three."He grinned

"We have to have a girl so we can name her Aali-

"Aaliyah."He nodded

"You remember that?"I ask

"Yeah..that was the plan we made in like 11th grade."He said

I reached over and pecked his lips.

"I love you."I said as I pulled away

"I love you too Jas."He said

After lunch, we headed to pick up Adonis from daycare.

While Aubrey went inside to get him, I sat in the car speaking to Travis over the phone.

"Really?What's her name?"I asked

He'd said that he would he visiting with his new girlfriend next weekend.

"Ashley.She's a school teacher..really sweet."He said

"Oh nice.Where'd you meet her?"I asked him

This was my first time hearing of this,

"She's a childhood friend of Brittany."He said referring to the quarterback's wife on his team

I nodded."Okay nice.Im excited to meet her."

"How've things been since you've moved in?"He asked

"Pretty good actually.Aubrey and I are great."I told him

"Good.Im glad you're happy Jazzy."He said

"Thank you.Im glad you're happy too."I smiled

I saw Aubrey and Adonis coming out of the building.

"Hey I gotta go.Um I'll see you next weekend."I told him

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