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Jasmine and I were getting married in just three days. I've never seen her this stressed. It seemed like someone was calling her every hour to talk about details for the wedding. I had gone out to get us some lunch and when I came home, I saw her talking to Gia in the kitchen.

"It's gonna be totally fine Jas."She comforted her

I put her takeout on a plate and brought it to her.

"Hey baby."I kissed her cheek

"Hi.Thank you."She said weakly

"How are you, Gia?"I greeted

"I'm good. How are you?"She asked

"I'm okay."I nodded

"What's going on babe?"I asked her sensing something was wrong

"The tailor's still aren't done with my dress."She shook her head

"Send me the number."I told her

"Okay."She sighed

"I'll take care of it. Okay?"I told her

She nodded."Thank you."

"I'm gonna head home now Jas. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"Gia said pulling her into a hug

"Okay.Thank you for coming."Jas said

I watched her walk Gia out and then make her way back to me. She hugged me tightly and sighed.

"I know."I rubbed her back

"Anything else that needs to be handled, send it to me."I requested

"Okay.Thank you."She said

"Of course. Come over here and eat."I told her

She nodded and sat down and opened up her Chinese takeout.

"Is everything good for the bridal shower?"I asked and sat next to her

"Jordan said everything's put together. Thank God for her."She said

"Good. I hope you have a good time."I kissed her cheek

"I think I will. Elle's flying in tonight and Jason will be here the day after. I'm so excited to see them, it's been so long."She smiled wide

"Yeah, I am too. I think they're good for you."I said

"Plus Elle and I get to rub each other's bellies."She said taking a bite of her lo mein

"How far along is she?"I asked her

"Um, she's a few weeks ahead of me so probably a little over six months."She rubbed her hand over her belly

I reached over and put my hand on top of hers.

"I love you."She said lowly

"I love you too baby."I kissed her cheek


The next morning

I woke up early to get ready for my bridal shower which was taking place in our backyard. Jordan had arrived with a team to decorate and Aubrey had arranged for a glam squad to get me ready. I sat up in our bedroom as my hair and makeup were getting done. Aubrey walked in with a huge bouquet and a couple of Dior bags.

"Babe what is this?!"I smiled

"A gift for my pretty ass bride."He walked over

The makeup artist backed away from me.

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