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"Yeah he's coming home tonight.I miss him so much."I pouted

"How's he feel about you still working with Drake?"Elle asked

"He claims he's fine with it but I don't know if that's true..."I said

"Anyways how's the baby doing in there?"I asked

"Great.Im still in the morning sickness phase though.It sucks."She shook her head

"But Im really grateful."She added

I smiled and sipped my beer.

"You know if it's hard to talk about we don-

"Elle come on, no.You don't have to walk on eggshells around me.Im fine.What's for me will happen for me."I told her

She nodded."Okay."

"Im really excited for you.Can't wait to meet the little baby."I smiled

"Im so nervous.I mean this wasn't planned and I don't know how I'm gonna be as a mother."She said honestly

"Im sure you'll do fine."I smiled

After lunch I headed home.Oliver's been calling me all weekend trying to apologize..Aubrey too.Im just not in the mood to deal with them.

I went in the house and took my shot and then relaxed on my couch waiting for Travis to get back.

After a few episodes of law and order and a blunt, I heard the front door open.

"Babyyyy!"I smiled

I couldn't move though.Im so high.

"Hey babe.You high?"He chuckled

"Mhm."He kissed my cheek

"I can't move."I mumbled

"C'mere."He picked me up

I giggled."I missed you."

"I missed you too."He said taking me upstairs

"Hows Gam?"I asked about his grandma

"She's good.She had a good birthday I think."He said

"That's good."I smiled

I could've gone with him this weekend but..his grandfather is really..racist.Every since we were kids he didn't want me around.Every time he'd see me he just looked disgusted.He was really upset with Travis for proposing to me and they got into a big fight.He wasn't even gonna go home for Gam's birthday but I made him.

"Anything happen between you and him?"I asked

He shrugged.

"What happened?"I asked

I could tell by the look on his face that something was wrong.

"He was talking about you.That's all."He said

I nodded.

"You know that doesn't bother me right?Im fine.You don't have to feel bad for loving your family."I told him

"It bothers me Jas."He said

I watched him huff.

"I don't fuckin' like the way he talks about you."He said

My high started to come down as his eyes filled with tears.

"Travis.Babe don't cry."I said rubbing his face

"What'd he say?"I asked

"No."He said

"Just tell me."I said

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