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"You know you can call if you need me honey."I told Jasmine

"I know."She smiled

I stared at her, concerned.She seemed to force this smile and happy nature.

"How are things with you and Aubrey?"I asked

"They're good.Uhm I don't know he's just really possessive and I let him know that I need to take some time for myself before dating him again..we're just so confusing."She rambled

I nodded."I mean you two are..."

Her eyes widened."Uhm..yes."

I chuckled."Oh honey I know.If you're trying to build yourself back up, you can't be hooking up with him and doing all of these romantic things if that isn't your intention."

"But it is..just not right now."She responded

"Jasmine."I gave her a knowing look

She nodded.

"Trust me.If you two just hold off, it'll be well worth it."I told her

She looked down at her tea.

"What's on your mind?"I asked her

I heard her sniffle.

"I just miss him..so much.I don't know if I can handle thi- the touring.He'll only be home for a month before he leaves again."She shook her head

I nodded."I understand.I miss him too.You will get used to it..unfortunately."

She wiped her eyes."God I'm always crying."

"That's okay.I'd rather you let it out."I comforted

She smiled at me."..Thank you for listening."

"Of course honey.I haven't been here 60 years doing nothing.I know a few things."I rubbed her hand

She chuckled.

"Well I should get going.My parents are probably worried sick."She said

"Alright.Be safe.Take care of yourself and call if you need me.Im serious."I told her and pulled her into a hug

"Yes ma'am."She nodded


I made it back home and saw my father on the couch watching football.

"Hey daddy."I sat down next to him

The Chiefs were playing.

"Hey Faith."He kissed my head

"How was your tea?"He asked

"Good."I smiled

"She must like you a lot."He said

"I..I guess."I shrugged

He looked over at me.

"Do you think that he's gonna be there for you Jasmine?I don't want you to get too invested in this man."He said

"I'm already invested..but so far he's shown me that he'll be there for me through anything.."I explained

He started to speak but the tv caught his attention.Travis was running from the Ram's end zone all the way to his own.

"Oh my god!!Goooo go go Trav!!"I jumped up

He was dodging defensive linemen and made the touchdown.

"YESSS!!"I screamed

"DAMN THAT BOY IS GOOD."My daddy yelled

I smiled as he did a dance.

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