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"...mhm.Ooh really?We should go."I heard Jas talking

I groaned and opened my eyes.

"Uh..I'll call you back."She said lowly

I furrowed my brows and sat up to see her setting her phone down on the tv stand.

"Why didn't you just leave the room to talk to your little boyfriend?"I asked her

She rolled her eyes."We're just friends."

"Mm."I ignored her and went into the bathroom

I relieved myself and brushed my teeth.When I came out, Jasmine wasn't there.I headed downstairs and saw her and the crew eating breakfast in the kitchen.

I grabbed some food and sat next to her.

I rubbed her thigh.

"Stop touching me."She said

I pulled my hand away and started to eat my food.

I don't know what her problem is.She normally loves when I touch her.When we were having sex last night she didn't seem too into it.Im not a fucking mind reader though.

"So sis how's the office?"Chubbs asked

She shrugged."Same old.You guys get to do the fun shit."

"We have fun."Oli said

"Do..we?"Jas joked

Everyone chuckled but me.

"We should talk after breakfast."I said in her ear

She nodded."Okay."

"What you two whispering about over there?"OB said

"Man nothin."I said

After we ate, the guys stayed around and talked.I decided it would be best to take a drive with Jas.

"Where are we going?"She asked

"Nowhere.Just driving."I told her

She nodded.

I started the car and started to drive down my road.

I started the car and started to drive down my road

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"What's going on in your mind Jas?"I asked her

"What do you mean?Nothing."She said

"You're acting weird.Like you don't want to be around me."I said

"That's not true..I just..I don't know.Lately every time we're together I kinda just feel like you just want to have sex with me."She said

"Really?"I asked

I saw her nodding in my peripheral.

"So when Travis fucking cheating on you and I held you while you cried all night was that about sex?"I asked

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