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TW: Suicide


I read Jasmine's text and sighed.I don't know who this dude is but he's really fucking with her mind.

The next morning I woke up to Jas's dad calling me.

"Hello?"I said

"Travis what's this text about that Jasmine sent?She wont return our calls."He said

"What text?"I asked

"It just says Im sorry.She sent one to Jordan too."He said

I sat up."Oh no.No.No.No."

"What son?!?"He asked

"She had a really bad night last night.FUCK.I shouldn't have left her."I started throwing on clothes

"What are you saying!?"He asked

"I think she might've tried to hurt herself.Im gonna go to her place.I'll call you back."I hung up

I ran down the stairs and got into my car.I sped to her house and got there in fifteen minutes.

"Jas?!?"I banged on the door


I grabbed her spare key from under her mat and unlocked the door.


"Please God."I said lowly before pushing the door open

Just like last time.I found her on the kitchen floor.

I called 911.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"My bestfriend, she overdosed."I said lowly

I finished talking to the operator and took Jasper outside.I picked Jasmine up and a few minutes later, the ambulance was here.I got in the back with her and called her father.

"Hello?What's going on?"He asked

"She overdosed again."I sniffled

"Oh my god!Is she okay?"He asked

"I don't know.I would get to LA as soon as you can."I told him

"..Alright.We will."He said and hung up

I watched the paramedics try to revive her.

"C'mon Jas.Please.You can't leave me."I said lowly


I woke up in a hospital bed.

"Noo.No.No.No."I cried

"Jas.You're okay."I heard

I looked to my left and saw Travis.

"I don't wanna be here!!"I told him

"I know."He said

"Your parents will be in soon.Their flight just landed.Jordan's coming too."He told me

"...Aubrey?"I asked

He nodded."He's coming too."

"okay."I mumbled

I stared at the ceiling.

"My 911 call leaked.TMZ posted it."He said

I sighed.

"I wish I fucking died.I can't even kill myself right."I mumbled

"Stop it!"He said

I looked at him.Tears running down his face.

"Fuck."He said lowly

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