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"Any updates?"I asked walking into Chubbs room

It was almost 4 am and still no sign of Jasmine.I was getting worried.She had no security and she obviously isn't in her right mind if she's climbing out of windows.

"Yeah.They finally showed us the camera footage.It seems like she was headed west so most likely to the tower.She might still be there.Bruce and I were gonna head there."He said

"I'll come with you."I said

He nodded.

We all got into the van and drove toward the Eiffel Tower.The sun was starting to rise.When we got there, there were very few people so it should be easy.

We hopped out and walked around.

"Jas!"I called


She wasn't at the ground level so we went up to the top.She wasn't there.

My phone rang.


"She's here at the hotel.The security cameras got her walking in."Oli told me

"Alright were coming!"I told him

"She just got to the hotel."I told them


When we got back I went straight to her room.

"Jas!Open the door!"

A few moments went by and she opened the door with all of her bags.

"Baby.Oh my god.You can't do that!"I pulled her close

"I have to go."She mumbled

"Go?"I asked

"My flight leaves soon."She told me


"Im going home.This isn't working."She said

"Jas..you can't leave."I told her

"Yes I can."She said

"No."I told her

"Aubrey move."She said

"How are you so calm about this?What is even going on right now?"I shook her

"Im just tired.Im tired of giving everything I have to you.You don't respect me and you don't love me.I have loved you so hard Aubrey and Im tired.Im done."She said

"Don't say I don't love you.Do you dare say that."I said sternly

"Bruce!Please move him!"She said as he came walking toward us

"What the hell is wrong with you?!?"He yelled at her

"Okay you're no help either."She sighed

She pushed past me.

"Jasmine baby wait.Im sorry.Don't leave."I followed her

"Stay and then what?She doesn't want me around Adonis.Im not moving to Toronto with you.So what the hell are we doing?"She asked

I didn't have a rebuttal.

"Just let her go."Bruce told me

"I have to go.The car is downstairs."She pushed the elevator button

"Let me walk you down."I said lowly

She nodded and we got on the elevator together.We silently rode it to the lobby floor.I grabbed her bags and walked her to her car.The chauffeur put them inside the trunk and I stood there staring at her.

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