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February 19th
4:54 am

Jasmine was in and out of consciousness as Dr. Clay and her team operated on her. A C-section was the only way to safely deliver baby Aaliyah and remove baby Aiden. Their family and friends waited patiently in the lobby.

Aubrey focused his attention on his wife and only his wife as he was beginning to legitimately fear for her life. Regret was beginning to creep in for all the time spent away from her recently.

"I'm right here, mama." He kissed her head

Full of fear, her low eyes met his.

"I'm here." He assured

After a few minutes, they heard a small cry.

"Baby A is here, a girl." Dr. Clay announced and held her over the curtain for the Grahams to see.

Joy crept onto Jasmine's face. She was finally here. 

"We will move forward with Baby B." She instructed the nurses 

Other nurses took Aaliyah to have her cleaned and weighed.

"Go with her," Jasmine told Aubrey

"She's okay. I'm staying here with you." He told her

"Please go with my baby." She pleaded

Aubrey sighed and nodded. "Okay."

He followed the nurse across the operating room and watched as they wiped her clean. He got his first good look at her. Tears cascaded down his face as he felt her become his whole world in an instant.

"We'll just weigh her really quickly and then you can hold her, Dad." The nurse assured

He nodded and looked across the room to check on his wife. A nurse had taken his spot as support. Her face was twisted in pain.

"Here you go, Dad. Six pounds, three ounces." The nurse brought his attention to her

She was handing him his swaddled baby girl. He reached for her and safely cradled her tiny body. Immediately he wanted to bring her to Jas.

"Hey baby, look who I have." He walked over

Her eyes lit up and the pain she was in disappeared as she looked at her baby. Aubrey brought her closer and let their cheeks touch. The skin-to-skin relaxed both of them, their connection was instant.

"She's so pretty," Jas commented

"Like her mama." Aubrey complimented

"Baby B has been delivered. Preparing to suture the utuerus." Dr. Clay announced to the nurses

The joyous moment paused as the Grahams were once again reminded of their loss.

"Mr. and Mrs. Graham, baby B will be taken to the mortuary. At any time you can have his body retrieved by a funeral home." She explained

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