Chapter 1 🤍

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Shub's POV

Hello I'm Shub Gill... One of the best and most successful businessman in the Country.
I live Alone in my Mansion, My parents Live in Australia, I don't have friends, obviously I won't as I'm not at all friendly ,I don't need people around me , I like to be alone, Only business partners matters.
who cares only my career and business  matters to me about girls , they only cares about my money so I don't give a damn.

My phone rang. It's from the office.

Me: Hello

Receptionist: Good morning sir, Sir we have interviews today to select a PA for you... It will be starting at 11.00a.m.

Me: I will be there.

I got ready and left to my company as usual. I'm not friendly with my workers , lets see who will be capable of being my new PA.


Zunaira's POV

Hey Guys.... I'm Zunaira Agarwal.
I belong to a Rich family , but my mom and dad doesn't care about me as for them , their world is their son .
My step brother.
My mom died when I was 13, and the so called mom I have now is my step mom.
I left them when I was 20 ,
and I live alone in a beautiful home, my mom have transferred all her property to me before she died, 
so I have money to live.
I got graduated from my college last week.
So I'm planning to work as an PA , in one of the best company in India.
I need to be  experienced,  before I start my own company, so for that I need to get this job somehow.

Shit !!! I'm late.... I have to rush. Hope my day will be good, and I so wish I get a good boss. And a lover two... ha ha just kiddingI just need the job now....
I hope I will make new friends and get an amazing boss.


Abhay's POV

Abhay !!!! Abhay!!!! Abhay!!!! Abhay!!!!

I can hear people shouting my name , Ofcourse they will...
As I Abhay Sharma , Captain of the Indian cricket team,  just won a match against Sri Lanka.

Virat bhai came and attacked me with a hug.

Virat: Proud of you my little bro. You make me proud of always.

Me:  I learnt from the best big bro , I have to do my best.

I said winking at him, he chuckled and went.

I have worked really hard to get this place in the country, being the naughtiest and the prankster of the team , all love me but yeah I have a huge girl fan base who dies on me.
I have dated numerous girls till now, but noone could be my first love yet....
That place is still vacant for that special girl.

Rahul: Where the hell is my phone!!! Abhay !!!! I'm not gonna leave you !!!

Me: Sorry brother.

Time to run !!! With that I ran off to save myself from Rahul.

Lavanya's POV

Morning everyone , I'm Lavanya Gupta,  A fashion designer. 
I have my own boutique and employers who work under me .
I'm someone who wants everything to be perfect , on time and neatly .

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