Chapter 20 🤍

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Writer's POV

It's been 3 months since the launch party, Their song was a super hit , it was still trending on YouTube.
They couldn't spend time with each other during this time...

Aadhya and Abeer's movie shooting were almost over, they met each other daily....

even shub and Zunaira meet as they work together.
They didn't kiss again but a lot changed between them after the kiss they shared on the launch party day.
Shub is a total different person now,
he never miss a chance to flirt with Zunaira and to make her feel special.

Rehaan and Meghna didn't meet each other after that, they only spoke in the group calls.

Abhay took Lavanya out for coffee dates forcefully at first , but then unknowingly even she started liking his Company.

It was the successful party of the music video. 
It wasn't a huge party, 
only the crew members,  directors, producers krish and the gang were present in the party,  it was organised at Rehaan's home.
They spoke to media and sent them off, they celebrated their victory ,
all left the party including krish too.

Only their gang were left.

Meghna: Oh my god , I never thought that we will be trending till now.... congratulations Rehaan...

With that she hugged him tightly.  Even he reciprocated with a huge grin.

Rehaan: Congratulations to us...

Meghna: Yessss I'm soo happy....

Others: Me toooo

They giggled.

Abeer: Come on guys we saw this coming....
that song was a super hit....

Zunaira: Yes it deserves more success.

Aarohi: All thanks to it we guys got this chance to meet again.

Shub: Yeahhh true..

Rehaan: You guys are staying today na ? Don't you guys dare to say No...

Aarohi: Yes we planned this already.

Lavanya: Yes yes we all are staying today.

Lavanya's phone rang.

Lavanya: Wait a minute guys , I have to take this call. It's Anushka di...

Meghna: Yeah.

With that Lavanya went outside to answer the call.
All looked at each other.

Abeer: Are you sure about this Abhay?

Abhay: Yes guys... I can't wait anymore, you guys know I can't keep my feelings to myself ,
I want to let her know....

Meghna : ok so are you ready?

Abhay: Yeah I think so...She will say yes na guys ?

All kept quiet, they all were nervous.

Aarohi: Guys...chill don't scare him more with your faces,
look Abhay, this is the first time a real proposal happening in our gang so we really don't know what to say....
but we all are here to support you na.... let's hope for the best.

Shub: Yeah true ..... let's see what happens.

Rehaan: Anushka di must've finished talking to her, I will off the light ok ? Come guys.

When Love Lasts🤍 (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now