Chapter 10 🤍

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Writer's POV

Everyone were enjoying the party to the fullest...
Specially the new eight friends,  they were knowing about each others, cracking jokes , teasing.... No one could tell that they were complete strangers before sometime.
It was Rehaan's turn to sing a song.
All cheered for him.
He looked at Meghna.

Rehaan: I have to go to the stage , you will be ok?

Meghna: Yeah... I'm with our friends so I will be perfect.

She said making others smile.

Aarohi: Ofcourse you will be fine, right now you are with the most unique and weird people in the whole universe, 
so if you are comfortable with us... then no one can make you uncomfortable.

She said and burst out laughing with Meghna...

Shub: It was an insult I think.

Aarohi: No shub... I was just stating the facts.

She said seriously, shub fake glared at her.

Abhay: But to be honest,  we all are agreeing with her.

All: Ha ha ha yeah.

Zunaira: Ok ok let Rehaan go guys... All the best Rockstar.

All: Make us proud.

Rehaan: I will , my newly found friends

He went to the stage and sang some beautiful romantic songs..
All were lost in his voice.
He came back to his new friends.

Abeer: Wow bro, that was awesome.

Lavanya: Yeah you just took everyone's attention... it was amazing.

Abhay: And our attention seeker must've felt bad na, as she didn't get any attention at that time.

He said while looking at Aarohi,  she glared at him.

Aarohi: Huh, I always get attention ok. Shut up. And how can you say that I'm a attention seeker ? We just met few hours back.

Abhay: Ok can anyone over here could tell that we all, really met before few hours?

Abeer: Exactly and the truth is you are an attention seeker , drama queen.. anyone would find that out in a second.

Aarohi: Shut up Nerd.

Shub: Ok ok let her be guys..

Meghna: Yes , stop teasing her guys.

Anushka and virat came and thanked Rehaan for his performance.

Anushka: guys... why don't you newly found friends do a performance for us ?

Virat: Yeahh, after all because of us only , you guys met... so we deserve a gift.

Zunaira: What kind of performance?

Anushka: A dance performance or a song.

Abeer: I sucks at singing,  no way.

Shub: yeah, me too

Anushka: Then dance!!! Please guys.. don't say no.

Girls agreed but boys were hesitated.

Girls looked at them with a puppy face.

Shub: No way I'm dancing.

Zunaira: Yes way, you are dancing Shub...

When Love Lasts🤍 (Completed) ✅Where stories live. Discover now