Chapter 4 🤍

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Writer's POV

Abeer , director, producer and the co actors were waiting for their new short film's heroine,  they all are waiting for Aarohi .....
Abeer was fed up of waiting so he started reading his book, at that time lavanya came , he didn't notice her , lavanya snatched his book and sat beside him.

Abeer: what the hell!!! Oh hiii lavanya ...

Lavanya: Hi abeer .

Abeer: Why you are here by the way ?

Lavanya: I'm gonna design all the costumes of all the actors in the film so I had to come, who's the new girl by the way ?

Abeer: its her first movie it seems,  and she's late .... wow I already like her.

He said sarcastically while lavanya chuckled.

At that time a girl came running inside.

Aarohi: I'm sorryyyy, I'm so sorryyy.

She said while looking at everyone. Abeer was just staring at her.

Abeer: Wow.

He mutterd under his teeth,
Aarohi came jumping like a rabbit, and she was going to fall, but she balanced .

Aarohi: oops.... I'm fine guys...

That made everyone chuckle including lavanya too.

Director: hope you will be punctual from the next day Aarohi.

Aarohi: I can't lie to you sir ,  but yeah I will try my best to come on time , hopefully.

Director fake glared at her,  but then ended up chuckling.
He introduced her to everyone.

Lavanya greeted her with a hug.

Lavanya: Hey Aarohi, I'm your designer... Nice meeting you.

Aarohi: Hi lavanya,  really nice meeting you too.

Director : Meet him, He's Abeer khurana , your hero in the film ....

Aarohi: Heyyyy Mr.Khurana , I know you must be an amazing actor , but I'm not, I'm really new to this but I will give my best without messing up.

Abeer smiled at her and  shaked hand with her.

Abeer: Hi Aarohi , I guessed it already that you like to mess up things but it's ok, we all will tolerate you and will work together somehow.

All were laughing at them , while Aarohi glared at him. Lavanya was shocked as much as she knew Abeer never talk like that.

Aarohi: So mean Mr.Khurana. but you have no other option also than tolerating me.

All chuckled at them . And started talking about work.


It was Zunaira's first day, shub came to office earlier,  zunaira came on time and went inside Shub's cabin straightaway.

Zunaira: Good morning Sir, hope you will have a great day and here's your schedule for today.

She said with a beautiful smile.

Shub: Morning Miss.Agarwal , Today's schedule ? but how did you made it so soon?

Zunaira: I came a little early so that I can make it sir.

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