Chapter 30 🤍

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Writer's POV

Aarohi came to suprise Abeer on his sets. She waited in his vanity....
He was shooting in outstation so they couldn't meet, but she drove all her way just to meet him.
Abeer came and saw her waiting for him.

Abeer: Princess..... How did you come here.

Aarohi engulfed him in a tight hug, he reciprocated the hug instantly.

Abeer: You came alone? You drove all this way ?

Aarohi: Yes... I missed you and I couldn't wait so.. I came...

Abeer smiled at her.

Abeer: You should have told me na Princess,  I would have sent the driver.

Aarohi: Just forget it , now I came na.

Abeer smiled and kissed her both cheeks.

Abeer: I love you so much and I missed you .

Aarohi: I missed you more.

Aarohi's POV

Abeer was ordering lunch for us while I was staring at him .

I don't know Abeer,
I feel something is wrong,  that's why I came to see you,
you are the last person I would want to loose Abeer,
you are all I have ,
I hope everything is fine , I just hope nothing wrong happen.... I can't live without you....

I walked towards him and kissed his forehead, 
he smiled , while pulling me into his lap  he hugged me and pecked my head.


Abhay's POV

I got a video call from mom.

Me: Hi mom..

Mom: Son, I want to talk to you.

Me: yes mom what is it?

Mom: I will come to the point straightaway,  I can't approve Lavanya for you ... I am not accepting your relationship.

Me: What? What are you saying mom? But why?

I am hell shocked.

Mom: Lavanya is a modern girl,
she is really successful in her career , what is this create problems between you two ?
And she is from a different family, their culture and our culture doesn't match, and the way she dress,  will our relatives accept her in our family with her this dressing sense ?
And she doesn't seems to be a girl who Will obey to what you say or what you say...
She is not suitable for you .
And I Will never give permission for this relationship, so it's better you end this relationship with her and forget her.

Me: Mom!!! Do you even realise what you are saying?
When did you start having such a cheap thinking?

Mom: Abhay!!!! Is this how you talk to your mom!! See she is already separating me from you.

Me: Mom!!! Just stop thinking like this!!!
What is this culture, family, dressing sense and all.
Even komal di wear Western, komal di never wear traditional,  even she is modern , will you deny her from being your daughter?
No na , then why mom?
Wearing western, modern clothes doesn't give a reason to judge a girl's character, and about career,  we both are successful,  she is the happiest when I play well.... so there's no space for a issue in that....
she is the best girl someone can ever get mom ,
She changed me into a better person  ,
she knows how to behave and respect elders,
she Will never separate you and me mom... and relatives? Seriously mom? Why do we even should care about them ? If she's perfect for me then why should we care about others ? More than anything we love with each other!!!!!!

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