Chapter 23 🤍

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Writer's POV

After few days....

All were at work. Aarohi was standing in principals office, principal was glaring at her.

Principal: Call someone from your family right now , because there's no point of talking to you anymore  Aarohi.

Aarohi: please sir ... No.

Principal: I said call someone from your family, a guardian or someone close to you.

Aarohi's POV

I came out of the room,
ugh... whom I'm gonna call now?
Uncle is out of station, 
Abeer? No he will kill me !!!
Friends.... Rehaan? No, he will scold me , Abhay gonna tease me , Shub? No , I'm scared of him.
girls ? No !!! They will start their lectures....
Zunaira? YES!!!
She won't scold me , nor tease me ... yeah Zunaira is better

Writer's POV

Aarohi called Zunaira,  she was in Shub's cabin as usual.

Zunaira: Heyyy babe....

Shub glared at her, Zunaira face palmed and showed him the call ID. Shub relaxed.

Aarohi: Zuniara,  can you come to college right now ?

Zunaira: Why ? Aarohi ,what happened? are you ok?

Shub snatched her phone and switched ON speaker mode.

Aarohi: Umm, principal wants to meet someone from my family,  so can you come ?

Zunaira: What did you do now ? Ah ?

Aarohi : Zunaira please, come na, and please don't tell others,  they will kill me.

Shub: Too late baby girl,  I already know , we both are coming now.

Aarohi: Shit!!! Shub, I'm sorry .
I forgot that you will always be there near Zunaira .

Shub: Shut up!!!  we are coming now.

They came to the college within 10 minutes and straightaway went to the principal room.
Aarohi turned towards them with a grin.

Aarohi: Heyyyy guys...

Shub and principal glared at her.

Shub: Hello Sir, I'm shub Gill....

Principal: How are you related to Aarohi , Mr.Gill?

Shub: We are her family, I'm her brother, can I please know the reason why you called us ?

Aarohi got tears listening to him, Zunaira held her hand for support.

Principal: This girl,  have ragged 3 new freshers of the college, they have complained their parents and they complained me.

Aarohi: What are they sir? Two? That they complained their parents? Such babies....

Shub: Aaru, shut up !!!

Zunaira: What she have done sir ?

Principal: She have told one guy  to propose a girl, 
other two to pole dance infront of the whole batch, all the 3 boys were humiliated.

Zunaira and shub glared at her , while she looked here and there.

Aarohi: ok ok I'm sorry.

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