Chapter 24 🤍

537 45 19

Writer's POV

Girls were having a sleepover at Zunaira's place.
Boys went to their homes in midnight as they have to plan everything for the trip. Somehow all of them took leave and postponed their work.
Boys came to pick up the girls.
They knocked on the door but there was no reply from them.

Abhay: where the hell are they ?
It seems they have gonna on a separate trip leaving us ha ha ha ha.

Boys glared at him.

Rehaan: Such a lame joke.

Shub: lets go inside and see guys...
I have the spare key.

All gave him a teasing smirk.

Shub: What ? She stays alone na, so I have to take care of her safety as her boss.
Even Abeer has a key to Aaru's house na.

Abeer: Ok ok we didn't tell you anything na , lets go.

Abhay: But we  have never  seen a Boss like you nor a PA like Zunaira.

Shub: Shut up .

They went inside and saw the girls sleeping peacefully Zunaira's bed.
Meghna on the couch , while Lavanya,  Aarohi and Zunaira on the bed.

Shub: What the hell ? Look at them !!!

Abeer: They are sleeping peacefully while we guys were busy arranging everything for the trip.

Abhay: Lets wake them up fast guys... we are late.

Rehaan: For the first time Abhay sharma said something sensible.

Abhay smacked his head walked towards Lavanya. 

Abhay was peppering kisses on her cheek to wake her up.
Lavanya slapped him.

Lavanya: Get lost Abhay.

Boys laughed looking at his face.

Shub sat near Zunaira and patted her hand .

Shub: Zunaira,  wake up ..... wake up ....
We are late.

Zunaira: In the office also he is troubling me and now not letting me sleep peacefully also. 

She mutterd in her sleep making Boys laugh.

Shub: Miss.Zunaira Agarwal ,
get my black coffee right now!!!!
And Where's the blue file !!!!

Zunaira: Shub!!! Yes yes I will get it.

She sat on the bed while saying it,
she opened her eyes and understood what happened, 
Boys laughed while Shub was controlling his laugh.

Zunaira smacked Shub's arm.

Zunaira: Idiot.

Shub: Go , get ready we are late....

Zunaira stood up and pushed Rehaan who was laughing at her.
She went to the bathroom

Rehaan mutterd curses at her and sat near Meghna on the couch.

He stared at her and caressed her hair slowly.
Meghna smiled in her sleep.
She moved her head to his lap.
Rehaan smiled at her antics.

Rehaan: Wake up Meghna , we are getting late.

Meghna: Let me sleep Malhothra

She said while snuggling into his lap.  He caressed her hair.

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